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President Donald Trump breaks the divorce law that has been tormenting men in the US


President Donald Trump breaks the divorce law that has been tormenting men in the US.

Divorce has become a very lucrative business for women in the United States and I'm gonna put an end to it. If a woman marries a rich man, it doesn't mean she gets to leave as a rich woman after divorce. 

If upon divorce the woman needs money, the man can borrow her a maximum of $1-million if she has a colleteral. $1-million isn't alot of money for the rich man but it should be a lot about for the woman because she didn't work for it. 

If I'm worth $50-million, I'm not gonna give you $25-million after divorce. It's my money and I worked very hard for it. I don't care if we've been married for 6 years or even 25 years or even have children. If you don't have enough money to take care of our children, leave them with me. I think that just because  somebody marries somebody that built something huge, doesn't necessarily mean that just because they get a divorce, that they should end up like the Queen of Sheba”.

On the Same note President Trump hits on Gay and Transgender Group and Thier organization LGBTQ+Saying that “There Are Only Two Genders in the world (Male and Female)

Many Nations in the world particularly the African Countries applauded for such radical decisions since they alliance with African cultures and norms, they termed them as not just human rights but natural rights from the creation.

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