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By Wasita Royal

AS the 2024 Census program is winding down, controversy and debate have risen to the forefront of public discourse in Papua New Guinea. A spokesperson from East New Britain (ENB) Mr Warvakai Ainui, has voiced critical concerns over the spending linked to the national census.

"Every wards in PNG should have had a population database by now.

“The Ward Recorder and Ward Member should just present the population data and request funding for the ward.

"The millions spent on conducting a national census could have a significant impact if invested in healthcare and educational infrastructure.

"Our priorities should lie in ensuring our people have access to quality health services and educational opportunities," he continued.

He told FM100 that; though the census, is a nationwide exercise aimed at collecting population data and is is critical for government planning and allocation of resources; the logistical and financial burdens of conducting it have many grassroots leaders urging a reassessment of funding priorities.

Census enumerators not having form of identification on them except for the questionnaire folders and small green stickers; is inappropriate for they  should have appropriate attire as they are out in the field collecting datas.

This has ignited a wave of debate across the nation, with many questions where the funds allocated for the census should rather be for crucial sectors such as health and education.

He joined a growing number of voices expressing frustration over what they see as unnecessary government expenditures in the face of pressing societal needs.

Residents and local leaders argue that existing ward databases could be utilized for population data, potentially saving the government millions. This, in turn, could alleviate the strain on healthcare facilities and under-resourced schools.

As the debate rages on, the government faces mounting pressure to justify the census expenditure amid calls for transparently addressing the educational and healthcare needs of the population.

The 2024 Census program’s controversy stands as a story to tell to the ongoing struggle between bureaucratic processes and grassroots demands, leaving citizens to ponder the true costs and benefits of this nationwide stir.

Solomon Islands and Vanuatu sign Trivau Agreement to boost cross-border relations

Solomon Islands Prime Minister Jeremiah Manele, left, and Vanuatu Prime Minister Charlot Salwai Tabimasmas shaking hands after the signing of the ‘Tirvau’ agreement. Photo: Solomon Islands / Ministry of Foreign Affairs & External Trade

The Solomon Islands and Vanuatu have signed a border agreement to further strengthen the "cultural and historical ties" between the two Melanesian nations.

The Tirvau Agreement was signed by the prime ministers of the two countries in Honiara on 21 June.

The agreement is expected to boost cross-border relations between Solomon Islands' Temotu and Vanuatu's Torba provinces.

Temotu is the easternmost province of Solomon Islands, located closer to Vanuatu than Honiara, while Torba - comprised of Torres and Banks island groups - is the northernmost and least populous province of Vanuatu.

The Solomon Islands Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade (MFAET) said in a press release Tirvau is the feather money used by the people of Temotu.

"It signifies the diversity that exists in our countries and the value placed on our relations.

"The Tirvau basic border Agreement is the overarching framework that will govern and regulate the joint border arrangements and movements between the maritime border of Solomon Islands and Vanuatu."

The agreement is an extension of the Motalava Treaty between the two nations signed in October 2016, MFAET said.

Vanuatu Prime Minister Charlot Salwai said the areement is a testament that "we are one people, custodians of one solwara and that Melanesia is a reality".

"Tirvau has been a powerful trading system for our ancestors over thousands of years between the people from Temotu Province in the Solomon Islands and people from Torba Province in Vanuatu.

"Tirvau connects our two people and Tirvau brought peace and harmony between our two people.

"It is my hope and believe that the Agreement we sign today will continue to strengthen and bridge between our two people and to bring peace and harmony to our people."

His counterpart, Jeremiah Manele, said the agreement is about promoting peaceful relations, facilitating economic activities, and ensuring the effective governance of borders and cooperation on sectoral and humanitarian issues of mutual concern.

The agreement cements and binds current relations with a umi tugeda spirit, two wantok countries further formalising and recognising the traditional and cultural connections as Melanesians, Manele said, according to the MFAET release.

The border agreement will also allow for more visibility and transaction between the two countries for stronger connectivity, trading and economic growth.

While the two governments did not provide a date on when the framework comes into effect, Manele called on implementing authorities to be diligent in activating and operationalising the border agreement.

Meanwhile, Salwai said "embedded in the Tirvau Agreement is the spirit of the Melanesian way" and the signing of the agreement with Solomon Islands could set the platform for future border arrangement framework with other Melanesian countries.

"Vanuatu will seek to establish similar border arrangements with the government of New Caledonia (Kanaks) and the government of Fiji.

"We Melanesians must maintain our relationships in the Melanesian way."

𝘼𝙪𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙞𝙖𝙣 𝙋𝙚𝙤𝙥𝙡𝙚 are not Malays

𝘼𝙪𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙞𝙖𝙣 𝙋𝙚𝙤𝙥𝙡𝙚 are not Malays, Malays are only a small part of the Austronesian. The area where the Austronesian language is spread is not the "Alam Melayu"🌏

The Austronesian people are a large group of people in Taiwan, Maritime Southeast Asia, Micronesia, coastal New Guinea, Island Melanesia, Polynesia, and Madagascar. They also include indigenous ethnic minorities in Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand, Hainan, the Comoros, and the Torres Strait Islands.

Javanese still the Biggest Austronesian People population about 100 million. And countries with significant population are Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Madagascar, Guam, Tuvalu, Kiribati, Samoa, Tahiti, Tonga, Hawaii, Marshall Island, Palau etc.
And Indonesia country with the most Austronesian People.


UN passes China-proposed resolution to establish International Day for Dialogue among Civilizations

The 78th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) on Friday unanimously adopted a resolution proposed by China to establish the International Day for Dialogue among Civilizations.

The resolution states that all civilizational achievements are "the collective heritage of humankind." It advocates for respecting the diversity of civilizations and emphasizes "the crucial role of dialogue" among civilizations in maintaining world peace, promoting common development, enhancing human well-being, and achieving collective progress.

The resolution calls for "equal dialogue and mutual respect" among different civilizations, fully reflecting the core essence of the Global Civilization Initiative. It designates June 10 as the International Day for Dialogue among Civilizations.

Fu Cong, China's permanent representative to the United Nations, introduced the draft resolution at the UNGA plenary session. He stated that in the current context of multiple interlocking crises and challenges, the world has entered a new period of instability and change, placing human society once again at the crossroads of history.

Against this backdrop, China proposed the establishment of the International Day for Dialogue among Civilizations to fully leverage the importance of civilizational dialogue in "eliminating discrimination and prejudice, enhancing understanding and trust, promoting people-to-people connectivity, and strengthening solidarity and cooperation." This initiative injects positive energy into the global effort to address common challenges.

It demonstrates "China's firm support for multilateralism" and the work of the United Nations, highlighting China's responsibility as a major country in an era of unprecedented changes, Fu Cong said.

Source: here


Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs Hon. Sitiveni Rabuka received a courtesy visit from the non-resident Ambassador of Israel to Fiji and the Pacific, Mr. Roi Rosenbilt, whilst he commences a weeklong official visit to Fiji and the region.
The meeting recognized the deep relationship between the two countries and highlighted prospects to further elevate Fiji and Israel’s ongoing cooperation, particularly in development areas such as agriculture and economy.
This particularly through renewing cooperation on the internship program in agriculture sector which will enable 12 Fijians to continue a training program in Israel to develop their expertise in agriculture and learn new technologies.

As part of the agricultural cooperation, the Government of Israel had earlier this year signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Ministry of Agriculture.

Ambassador Rosenbilt engagements here this week is to see how best this cooperation can be materialized to yield return on investment for Fiji.

Further, Israel has reaffirmed its commitment to expand opportunities through the collaborative public-private sector partnership and investment in Fiji, that supports our hub status in the region.  

Ambassador Rosenbilt said his visit to Fiji is to see how best Israel can advance relations with Pacific, saying his grateful for the opportunity to meet with Prime Minister Rabuka and exchange views on mutual issues of importance to Fiji and the Pacific.
On the same note, Ambassador Rosenbilt acknowledged Prime Minister Rabuka’s concept on the Oceans of Peace, saying it is an inspiring and commendable initiative to advance global solidarity and peace.

He said Israel hopes that Fiji will consider opening an Embassy in Jerusalem, in the near future to further strengthen the two countries’ relations and collaboration.

During his visit this week, Ambassador Rosenbilt aims to have several discussions with Government and Non-Government agencies to advance Israel’s cooperation with Fiji.

The Ambassador is expected to pay a courtesy visit to the newly appointed Secretary General of the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) Mr Baron Waqa.  

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