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[New post] Vanuatu Daily News Digest | 5 November 2015 bobmakin posted: "Another Costless goes up in flames. Over the weekend we had Costless and Vila Handprints at the Nambatu roundabout burned down rapidly. Now it's the Costless at Melcofe gone, just like that, leaving only the blackened wreckage this morning. Daily Post loc" Respond to this post by replying above this line New post on Vanuatu Daily Digest Vanuatu Daily News Digest | 5 November 2015 by bobmakin Another Costless goes up in flames. Over the weekend we had Costless and Vila Handprints at the Nambatu roundabout burned down rapidly. Now it's the Costless at Melcofe gone, just like that, leaving only the blackened wreckage this morning. Daily Post located nearby says the fire began behind the building around 6 pm last night. The fire service arrived but could not put the blaze out owing to the absence of any hydrant nearby. Flames were still to be seen in the building this morning. Now we have a seemingly time-wasting answer concerning an early - even immediate - meeting of Parliament from the deputy Speaker, Samson Samsen. Remember, the Opposition has said it wants thecountry's national Parliament to meet whilst there is still time for a budget to be debated and approved for 2016. Deputy Speaker Samsen has been given an Opposition deadline of until 4.30 pm today to consult with the Prime Minister. However, he responds rather tediously: "The challenge of Parliament through the bribery case has affected all the country and it seems proper to reflect and consult with the office of the Prime Minister on the agenda of budget which is the Executive prerogative but not the legislative prerogative before the calling of the second ordinary session." It is to be hoped Deputy Speaker Samsen and PM Kilman can reflect and consult rather more rapidly than this suggests. In Daily Post he is calling on both sides to "work together towards an amicable solution for the good of the nation." bobmakin | November 5, 2015 at 11:27 am | Categories: The News, Digested | URL: Comment    See all comments    Like Unsubscribe to no longer receive posts from Vanuatu Daily Digest. Change your email settings at Manage Subscriptions. Trouble clicking? Copy and paste this URL into your browser: Thanks for flying with

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