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[New post] Remembering Cyclone Pam in photos and videos dailyvanuatu posted: "On the 1-year anniversary of the most destructive cyclone to hit Vanuatu in living memory, we've assembled a gallery of photos and videos that retell the story of Cyclone Pam audio-visually." Respond to this post by replying above this line New post on Vanuatu Daily Digest Remembering Cyclone Pam in photos and videos by dailyvanuatu On the 1-year anniversary of the most destructive cyclone to hit Vanuatu in living memory, we've assembled a gallery of photos and videos that retell the story of Cyclone Pam audio-visually. Animated satellite images taken from March 13 2015. Photo: US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Read more of this post dailyvanuatu | March 13, 2016 at 3:50 pm | Tags: cyclone pam, disaster relief, Vanuatu | Categories: Photo, Video | URL: Comment    See all comments Unsubscribe to no longer receive posts from Vanuatu Daily Digest. Change your email settings at Manage Subscriptions. Trouble clicking? Copy and paste this URL into your browser: Thanks for flying with

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