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[New post] Public servants debts to Govt over Vt 200 million; Former NISCOL executives to face court bobmakin posted: "The Finance Ministry has told VBTC that there are outstanding public servants'debts to government amounting to Vt 200 million. This was revealed to VBTC by Finance DG Letlet August, reinstated to his post by court order as mentioned in the news yesterday " Respond to this post by replying above this line New post on Vanuatu Daily Digest Public servants debts to Govt over Vt 200 million; Former NISCOL executives to face court by bobmakin The Finance Ministry has told VBTC that there are outstanding public servants'debts to government amounting to Vt 200 million. This was revealed to VBTC by Finance DG Letlet August, reinstated to his post by court order as mentioned in the news yesterday and awaiting a further court decision. The debts are mostly imprests for travel outside of Vanuatu which have not been properly returned with receipts and acquitted. Civil servants with debts will have the outstanding amounts taken from their salaries after 21 July. They will also face disciplinary charges. (Radio Vanuatu) The Public Service Commission has reinstated the positions of secretaries general of Torba, Sanma, Malampa and Penama provinces following their earlier suspensions. PSC Chairman Mahe said that the provinces must carry out the service delivery required of them. In two provinces, accountants have been acting secretary generals. (Radio Vanuatu) Health Department management issues are a priority for the Public Service Commission, Chairman Mahe also told Radio Vanuatu this morning. Kanam Wilson has been appointed to review the failed implementation of a new structure and its budgetary implications. He will closely examine the issues which have been causing difficulties in the Health Ministry. (Radio Vanuatu) Daily Post last week had three former NISCOL executives facing court charges on July 15. Preliminary investigations have been carried out and relate to misappropriation and theft. Whilst names have not been given, Daily Post said the complainant is the present Board of the Santo-based stevedoring company and the former CEO, Chairman and Accountant are facing charges. Issues of misappropriation within the company have been around for far too long. bobmakin | July 11, 2016 at 5:08 pm | Tags: health, NISCOL, politics, provinces, public service, Public Service Commission, Vanuatu | Categories: The Daily Digest | URL: Comment    See all comments Unsubscribe to no longer receive posts from Vanuatu Daily Digest. Change your email settings at Manage Subscriptions. Trouble clicking? Copy and paste this URL into your browser: Thanks for flying with

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