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Brand new Jetpack features, a much cheaper backup solution, and .blog availability!

Introducing Jetpack Personal: our most affordable backup solution yet

Our new Personal Plan bundles spam filtering, daily automated backups to an offsite location, a 30-day backup archive, and unlimited storage space — for just $3.50 per month — or $39 per year giving you a further 7% discount.

We’ll back up your entire site — no matter how big it is! We also offer site migration and automated restores. If you need help, our happiness engineers are standing by.

Learn more...

New features in Jetpack 4.4

We support Pinterest shortcodes. Now, links to Pinterest profiles or to a specific board or pin turn into an embed. We’ve also made some important improvements to how our Related Posts feature indexes your content making the service faster.

We've also added two new sidebar widgets and, for our Professional customers brand new SEO tools including the ability to customize site title and tagline display as well as meta descriptions for pages and custom posts will help search engines crawl your content quickly.

Jetpack 4.4 SEO Tools

.blog domains are now available to everyone

Get your .blog domain and associate it with your existing WordPress site today!

Visit to purchase or register a .blog domain through your favorite domain provider.!

Case Study: Albuquerque Journal boosts traffic 4% with Jetpack Related Posts

As the Albuquerque Journal — a newspaper with 580k paid print subscribers and three million monthly page views — found out, enabling Related Posts increased their traffic by 4%. In addition, all the processing power and work needed to index their 190,000 posts is offloaded to Jetpack's servers and new posts, around 130 per day in the Journal's case, are indexed and related within 24 hours.

Jetpack 4.3 React Dashboard

Thanks for using Jetpack
Adam — Happiness Engineer

from Gmail

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