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[New post] Vanuatu Daily News Digest | 10 July 2015 bobmakin posted: "Radio Vanuatu News this morning reported Prime Minister Kilman encouraging MP government-side supporters to report concerning opposition MPs trying to have gov't backbenchers join the opposition side. He said this breaks the law. He has asked police assis" Respond to this post by replying above this line New post on Vanuatu Daily Digest Vanuatu Daily News Digest | 10 July 2015 by bobmakin Radio Vanuatu News this morning reported Prime Minister Kilman encouraging MP government-side supporters to report concerning opposition MPs trying to have gov't backbenchers join the opposition side. He said this breaks the law. He has asked police assistance in the matter. Radio Vanuatu also reported the Prime Minister calling for those who have lost work following cyclone Pam. The Labour Department, he said, is working together with the International Labour Organisation to develop a data base listing those who have thus lost employment. The matter was not further elaborated. Today the Daily Post reports the Vanuatu National Council of Women VNCW denying that Mary Lini is their representative on the Vanuatu National Cultural Council. The appointment of Lini was announced last week along with other changes to the council membership. Wendy Garae has been theVNCW nominee all along says the Council just as the Malvatumauri insists that Chief Senimau Tirsupe remains their nominee. VNCW is seeking legal advice. Daily Post yesterday headlined the Supreme Court upholding a 'nuisance' claim concerning the chicken farm Golden Eggs Natural Products on the Devil's Point Road. They are required to pay damages of VT 10 million to a neighbour who claimed the chicken run greatly affected her quality of life owing to the noise, smell and water contamination resulting from the presence of 10,000m chickens. Daily Post yesterday also reported Carnival Australia making a commitment to local industry by giving preferential treatment to local products. Carnival CCO Ann Sherry made the promise in a workshop involving interested suppliers such as coffee and chocolate makers, urging local entrepreneurs to seek out products of value and which are good for Vanuatu tourism. Carnival is also today promising to hire some 400 workers next year for their ships. Pacific Dawn has reportedly recruited a number of hospitality workers who were put off with hotel closure after cyclone Pam. A physical planner for Shefa was announced in Post yesterday. Harry Tete is the person who will occupy the post. He headed the government's first physical planning unit after Independence. And Daily Post yesterday gave prominence to a report on the discussions and art associated with the 8th International Lapita Conference taking place at USP this week. And Daily Post today has an excellent Transparency Vanuatu report on the challenges to media freedom in Vanuatu which can be read at or followed on facebook. Apologies for the Digest going missing yesterday. Today it is back to normal. Gud wiken evriwan. bobmakin | July 10, 2015 at 3:26 pm | Categories: The News, Digested | URL: Comment    See all comments    Like Unsubscribe to no longer receive posts from Vanuatu Daily Digest. Change your email settings at Manage Subscriptions. Trouble clicking? Copy and paste this URL into your browser: Thanks for flying with

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