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[New post] Vanuatu Daily News Digest | 3 July 2015 bobmakin posted: "The principal news of yesterday came out late afternoon and here it is again in case you missed it ... The Vanuatu Parliament met late Thursday afternoon in accordance with court orders. Movers of the motion of no confidence in PM Sato Kilman, the MPs Ed" Respond to this post by replying above this line New post on Vanuatu Daily Digest Vanuatu Daily News Digest | 3 July 2015 by bobmakin The principal news of yesterday came out late afternoon and here it is again in case you missed it ... The Vanuatu Parliament met late Thursday afternoon in accordance with court orders. Movers of the motion of no confidence in PM Sato Kilman, the MPs Edward Natapei and Ham Lini Vanuararoa, citing a lesser number on the Opposition side of Parliament, then decided to withdraw the motion against PM Sato Kilman. Parliament immediately closed. Daily Post tells us today the numbers were Government 29 and Opposition 23. If you have difficulty finding the Digest for any reason, just remember when you search the net for it as vanuatudaily.wordpress and receive the email of the day, you should then click on "Like" at the bottom of the email. The same text reappears but with a space for you to fill in your email address. It then comes daily to you, automatically. No need to search for it. Not a lot of world shattering news today ... Radio Vanuatu started with the Electoral Commission checking candidacy applications for the Luganville Municipal elections. The Independence celebrations budget for the year is just VT 3 million, to economise in view of the huge outgoing as a result of cyclone Pam. Daily Post has the Australian Governor General visiting Vanuatu's post-Pam disturbed spots and thanking the volunteers. He also calls on that significant receiver of Australian assistance, the Vanuatu Women's Centre. Post also has Police intervening in a beachfront dispute between expatriates at Havannah Harbour. And it reports Marcellin Abong being re-appointed to his old post as Cultural Centre Director, after a week or two as First PA Home Affairs, after his ministry has terminated the old Cultural Council board and set up a new one to reappoint Abong the same day as the new Board was announced. No interviews. bobmakin | July 3, 2015 at 10:43 am | Categories: The News, Digested | URL: Comment    See all comments    Like Unsubscribe to no longer receive posts from Vanuatu Daily Digest. Change your email settings at Manage Subscriptions. Trouble clicking? Copy and paste this URL into your browser: Thanks for flying with

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