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[New post] Vanuatu Daily News Digest | 13 June 2015 bobmakin posted: "As already apparent with earlier reports in the last 48 hours, it is motions of no confidence before Vanuatu's Parliament which have dominated the news. They still do. But to bring up some other matters, here is the rest of the news ... Vila Times, which" Respond to this post by replying above this line New post on Vanuatu Daily Digest Vanuatu Daily News Digest | 13 June 2015 by bobmakin As already apparent with earlier reports in the last 48 hours, it is motions of no confidence before Vanuatu's Parliament which have dominated the news. They still do. But to bring up some other matters, here is the rest of the news ... Vila Times, which comes out on Mondays, last week gave the reasons for the Natuman Government dropping its former Foreign Minister Kilman. He had by-passed the Council of Ministers in various decisions he had taken, especially in the appointment of certain Asian nationals as Vanuatu ambassadors and diplomats, and interfering with foreign policy which upset European Union countries assisting Vanuatu, especially after cyclone Pam, the paper said. Radio Vanuatu News this morning had the new Prime Minister Sato Kilman calling on MPs of the new Government side to continue to give their support to the new Government whether or not they were called on to be ministers, there being only thirteen ministries. He made the call when appointing his cabinet Thursday night. This week the real estate industry met former Lands Minister Regenvanu in a meeting chaired by the Vanuatu Chamber of Commerce and Industry, VCCI. This was intended to hear complaints from the industry. Forfeiture of leases under new legislation became an important item on the agenda. Leases involving development must be forfeited if they are not developed within five years. Existing leases for development need to be developed within one year Daily Post reported Thursday. The meeting learned of new equipment and practices for boundary marking, "improvements" to the road to Devil's Point, and that there will soon be a law against sand mining. Vanuatu broadcasters and media personnel have been assisted by PACMAS and Geo-Hazards in Vanuatu to prepare plans which will assist resilience to climate change and encourage preparedness for disaster conditions, such as with cyclone Pam. Eight countries attended the training here Vila Times reported. The environment was indeed recognized during Environment Week and Environment Day. An agreement was signed with the South Pacific Regional Environment Plan - SPREP- which will see Vanuatu host an adaptation to climate change programme here. Daily Post today has Air Vanuatu apologizing for the loss of seats from Sola for a number of passengers. The matter came about because of a huge (600 kilos) shipment of coconut crabs and other cargo from the Torres. This caused further delays for passengers in Santo. A sub-division plan for part of Lenakel, Tanna, announced this week, still needs the approval of custom owners. A Magistrates' Court decision in 2012 is being appealed by 7 claimants other than he who made the announcement. The Latter-Day Saints have provided some 312 new wheelchairs for the Vanuatu Society for Disabled People (VSDP). In addition there were parts and other equipment in the container and LDS gave three days of training. Have a good weekend! bobmakin | June 13, 2015 at 10:22 am | Categories: The News, Digested | URL: Comment    See all comments    Like Unsubscribe to no longer receive posts from Vanuatu Daily Digest. Change your email settings at Manage Subscriptions. Trouble clicking? Copy and paste this URL into your browser: Thanks for flying with

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