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[New post] Vanuatu Daily News Digest | Supreme Court orders Parliament to meet bobmakin posted: "The Vanuatu Supreme Court sat this afternoon to give judgement in the matter of Constitutional Case No. 2 of 2015. The Court ordered Parliament to be re-convened on Tuesday 30 June at 4.30 to hear the Constitutional application for a motion of no confiden" Respond to this post by replying above this line New post on Vanuatu Daily Digest Vanuatu Daily News Digest | Supreme Court orders Parliament to meet by bobmakin The Vanuatu Supreme Court sat this afternoon to give judgement in the matter of Constitutional Case No. 2 of 2015. The Court ordered Parliament to be re-convened on Tuesday 30 June at 4.30 to hear the Constitutional application for a motion of no confidence in the Government. Justice Aru declared the Parliament's closing by Speaker Pipite had been in breach of the applicants' constitutional right to have debated their motion of no confidence in the Government of Prime Minister Sato Kilman. Detailed news reports will be found in all daily bulletins tonight or tomorrow and the Digest will resume normal reporting. bobmakin | June 24, 2015 at 4:36 pm | Categories: The News, Digested | URL: Comment    See all comments    Like Unsubscribe to no longer receive posts from Vanuatu Daily Digest. Change your email settings at Manage Subscriptions. Trouble clicking? Copy and paste this URL into your browser: Thanks for flying with

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