In his 48th Independence message at the weekend, Nomane said that this Independence Day must trigger change in the way Marape’s administration had been running the government.
“In the last 12 months, the country’s socio-economic indicators have regressed,” he said.
“We just need to look at the lack of jobs, no medicine in hospitals, and the unprecedented crime wave.”
This was a reality check and an indictment on the government’s ability to manage the nation’s affairs as its elected leaders.
“All Members of Parliament must be honest and stop the lip service, stop promulgating cliché, and stop the ill-conceived half-measures that have worsened the situation for our people,” Nomane said.
“On this Independence Day, I call on the Prime Minister to put the country first and do a complete cabinet reshuffle that brings the best of both government and opposition MPs together.
Plea for ‘suffering masses’
“The task is simple: in 3 months turn the situation around.
“This is an unprecedented plea on behalf of the suffering masses, the silent majority, and our progeny.
“The country is bigger than me and every other Member of Parliament. I am sick of the paradox that PNG is so rich, yet so poor.
“I am sick of the paralysis caused by the inimical political culture that promotes conformity and punishes those that disagree on policy.
“MPs vehemently debating on policy in public and sharing a meal afterwards has become a distant memory.
“This is synonymous with autocratic leadership, not a thriving democracy as envisioned by our forefathers and captured in our Constitution.
“The Prime Minister must change cabinet and get MPs who know how things work and can lead without fear or favour to drive the country’s development aspirations 48 years and beyond.
“The time has come for this 11th Parliament to live out the words of our national anthem: “O arise all ye sons of this land…”
Republished from the PNG Post-Courier with permission.
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Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (R) and his Papua New Guinean counterpart James Marape (C) open Papua New Guineas embassy in Jerusalem, September 5, 2023. (Haim Zach/GPO) |
“Today is a milestone moment for my country Papua New Guinea,” Marape said. “We are here to give respect to the people of Israel to the fullest.”
Marape was explicit in laying out the religious motivation for the move, which makes Papua New Guinea the fifth country to open its embassy in Israel’s capital.
Papua New Guinea opened its embassy in Jerusalem “because of our shared heritage, acknowledging the creator God, the Yahweh God of Israel, the Yahweh God of Isaac and Abraham,” said Marape.
“You have been the great custodian of the moral values that were passed for humanity,” Marape said to Netanyahu.
“Many nations choose not to open their embassies in Jerusalem but we made the conscious choice. This has been the universal capital of the nation and people of Israel. For us to call ourselves Christians, paying respect to God will not be complete without recognizing that Jerusalem is the universal capital of the people and nation of Israel.”
Over 95 percent of Papua New Guineans are Christians, with Catholics forming the largest denomination.
Marape also asked Israel to open an embassy in Port Moresby, and offered to provide the land for the mission. There are currently no plans to do so, the Foreign Ministry told The Times of Israel.
Israel’s relations with the island nation, which were established in 1978, are handled by its embassy in Australia.
For us to call ourselves Christians, paying respect to God will not be complete without recognizing that Jerusalem is the universal capital of the people and nation of Israel.
The embassy is located in the Jerusalem Technology Park at the southern end of the city, where Guatemala and Honduras also have their embassies.
Marape told local media before taking off for his trip that Israel would fund much of the costs of the office for the first two years, and he confirmed this at Tuesday’s ceremony. Israel’s Channel 12 news on Wednesday quoted the Foreign Ministry saying similar arrangements apply for the embassies in Jerusalem of Honduras and Kosovo.
Marape also said that Israel was helping Port Moresby find a permanent location for its embassy.
“This is where so much of our heritage emerged from,” Netanyahu responded at the ceremony. “This is where our values were forged. This is where our prophets prophesied.”
“I think it’s fitting that a state and a people so deeply committed to these values do what you just did,” he continued.
Netanyahu was joined by Foreign Minister Eli Cohen, who had landed back in Israel hours earlier following his trip to Bahrain, and by Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Lion.
Netanyahu held a meeting with Marape in his office before the ceremony.
Marape also toured Jerusalem’s Old City and Church of the Holy Sepulchre on Tuesday with his delegation, which includes a number of local pastors.
In February, the Foreign Ministry announced that Port Moresby would be making the move, after Foreign Minister Eli Cohen spoke with his Papua New Guinean counterpart, Justin Tkachenko.
Papua New Guinea’s embassy opening came on the heels of two similar announcements from other countries. In late August, Sierra Leone said that it would open an embassy in Jerusalem. Paraguay announced the week before that it would reopen its embassy in the Israeli capital as well.
Currently, the US, Guatemala, Honduras and Kosovo have embassies in Jerusalem.
Israel sees the moves as strengthening its claim to the city as its capital, though most foreign countries situate their embassies in or near Tel Aviv.
Hungary and Fiji are expected to announce embassy moves in the coming months as well.
Papua New Guinea is one of the Pacific nations that regularly vote with Israel at the United Nations, and Tkachenko told Cohen during their call that his country would continue to do so. In December, Papua New Guinea was one of the 25 countries that joined Israel in opposing the UN General Assembly resolution requesting that the International Court of Justice weigh in on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
However, in 2018 it voted to condemn the US recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, while five other Pacific nations rejected the condemnation.
The island nation’s geopolitical importance is on the rise as China and the US jockey for influence in the country and neighboring states in the Pacific Ocean. US President Joe Biden canceled a much-anticipated trip there in May, sending US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in his stead.
Source: Times of Israel
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KTT Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) ke-22 dihadiri oleh Presiden Prancis Emmanuel Macron. (AFP/LUDOVIC MARIN) |
Jakarta, CNN Indonesia -- Kepulauan Solomon mengklaim KTT Negara Melanesia (Melanesian Spearhead Global/MSG) sepakat mendesak Indonesia agar mengizinkan Komisi HAM PBB mengunjungi Papua.
Honiara menuturkan para pemimpin negara MSG juga terus mendukung penanganan isu HAM di Papua dan mendesak Forum Kepulauan Pasifik "mengirim misi ke Provinsi Papua Barat dan Papua" dengan mempertimbangkan akar permasalahannya.
Desakan itu tertuang dalam dokumen 22nd MSG Leader' Summit Adopts Communique yang dirilis di situs pemerintah Kepulauan Solomon yang merupakan salah satu anggota forum ini.
"Ketua MSG (Vanuatu) telah diminta untuk menulis surat kepada Indonesia untuk mengizinkan kunjungan Komisaris Hak Asasi Manusia PBB ke Papua Barat," demikian bunyi kutipan dokumen itu.
Pernyataan tersebut berlanjut "[para pemimpin] meminta Komisi Hak Asasi Manusia PBB agar laporan mereka mengenai pelanggaran HAM di Papua Barat disampaikan pada waktu yang tepat untuk dipertimbangkan selanjutnya di KTT MSG pada 2024."
KTT MSG menjadi sorotan usai delegasi Indonesia walk out atau keluar dari forum saat pemimpin Papua Barat dan Ketua ULMWP, Benny Wenda, akan menyampaikan pidato.
Pertemuan puncak itu berlangsung pada 23-24 Agustus di Port Vila, Vanuatu. Salah satu topik yang dibahas yakni keanggotaan ULMWP di MSG.
Juru bicara Kementerian Luar Negeri (Kemlu) RI, Teuku Faizasyah, mengonfirmasi delegasi RI keluar dari forum tersebut.
"Ya, semuanya delegasi RI walk out," kata Faizasyah kepada, pekan lalu.
Ia lantas menerangkan alasan delegasi Indonesia WO dari KTT MSG saat Benny hendak menyampaikan pernyataan.
"Indonesia tak bisa menerima seseorang yang seharusnya bertanggung jawab atas aksi-aksi kekerasan bersenjata di Papua termasuk penculikan, diberi kesempatan berbicara di forum yang terhormat," ungkap dia.
"Dalam Komunike Bersama (Joint Communique) yang dikeluarkan pada 24 Agustus, para pemimpin anggota MSG menegaskan bahwa ULMWP tidak memenuhi kriteria keanggotaan MSG," demikian menurut mereka.
Kemlu lalu menegaskan bahwa keanggotaan MSG hanya untuk negara yang berdaulat.
Berdasarkan dokumen joint communique KTT MSG yang didapat berjudul '22nd MSG Leaders Summit: MSG, Being Relevant and Influental', ada 22 poin hasil pertemuan yang disepakati seluruh anggota.
Dalam salah satu poin, poin ke-9 tepatnya, negara MSG menyinggung secara spesifik isu HAM di Papua atau yang mereka sebut sebagai Provinsi Papua Barat.
Di poin tersebut, negara MSG mengakui bahwa Dewan HAM PBB menjadi forum yang paling tepat untuk membahas isu HAM di Papua. Negara-negara Melanesia ini juga menegaskan pengakuan mereka atas kedaulatan Indonesia terhadap Papua.
Meski begitu, dalam dokumen itu negara MSG tetap mendesak Forum Negara Kepulauan Pasifik (Pacific Island Forum/PIF) untuk mengimplementasikan communique pada KTT 2019 lalu yang mendorong Komisi Tinggi HAM PBB mengirimkan misinya menyelidiki Papua.
"(MSG) juga telah meminta pemimpin MSG (tahun ini, Vanuatu) untuk menulis surat kepada Associated Member (anggota sekutu) untuk mengizinkan kunjungan Komisioner HAM PBB ke Papua dan meminta komisi tersebut merilis laporan soal pelanggaran HAM di Papua Barat, yang dipaparkan di waktu yang tepat untuk menjadi bahan pertimbangan KTT MSG selanjutnya pada 2024," bunyi kutipan communique tersebut.
Indonesia menjadi satu-satunya Associated Member di MSG. Status itu diberikan MSG kepada Indonesia pada 2015 menyusul pengaruh dan kerja sama Indonesia dengan negara-negara Melanesia yang terus meluas.
"(MSG) mengarahkan juga Sekretariat untuk mengembangkan pengaturan dialog melalui Pemerintah Indonesia, selama SOM formal, di mana semua pemangku kepentingan terkait dapat diundang untuk membahas isu-isu yang berkaitan dengan pembangunan di Provinsi Papua."
Baca artikel CNN Indonesia "Kepulauan Solomon Klaim Negara Melanesia Desak Selidiki HAM di Papua" selengkapnya di sini:
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Hon Wale said the current Prime Minister used to be a strong supporter and advocator for West Papua in the past but he has taken a 180-degree on the issue.
“I am actually not surprised that the Prime Minister has changed face on the West Papua issue. It is a shame and hypocritical of him because he was a very strong supporter in the past,” Hon Wale said.
The Opposition Leader has reaffirmed his view that West Papuans themselves should be afforded the opportunity to express their vote on self-determination under an internationally supervised referendum.
Based on the membership criteria set by MSG, Hon Wale has also questioned how Caledonia’s FLNKS are measured against those?
“It is hypocrisy to stand with New Caledonia for independence from France and then support Indonesian sovereignty over West Papua. Why the double standard?” he questioned.
Hon Wale said MSG Leaders need to rethink their stand and the Prime Minister should have maintained Solomon Islands stand on West Papua.
The Opposition Leader said both the FLNKS and West Papuans are Melanesian peoples and both desire independence.
He said West Papua has been under very oppressive schematic & systematic Indonesian colonial rule, far worse than anything New Caledonia has suffered and MSG Leaders know better.
– Opposition Press