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By Scott Waide:
Dear Prime Minister,
Our government has to admit the fact that there is a glaring imbalance between Papua New Guinean and foreign ownership of businesses. We own very little in our country.
The retail, wholesale and real estate in our towns and cities are controlled by Chinese interests. We own almost nothing in the logging industry. It is, as we all know, controlled by Malaysian interests.
There is an increasing push by (new) Chinese business owners who are buying up National Housing Corporation (NHC) properties and forcing out Papua New Guineans – YOUR people – on to the streets.
There is no strong legislation that prevents 100 percent foreign ownership of property and land. We need those laws in place now. We need the political will to do it. Now.
The justice system can’t protect our people. They don’t have the money to fight long protracted legal battles… …and the syndicate – yes, syndicates – know this and they take advantage of it.
Recently, local people along the North Coast of Madang protested against a sand mining proposal. The people associated with the sand mining company have also evicted families from NHC properties in Madang. It is no secret. It was reported by the media.
Take Back PNG must not remain a political slogan for elections. The people must live it.
I am calling for legislation that protects the social and economic rights of our people. I want lower taxes (or no taxes at all) for struggling SMEs. Give them tax holidays like the government did for RD Tuna and the petroleum sector. Give them REAL financing. Not a figure on paper they can’t access.
We want shop spaces in the center of our towns and cities. Give it to us. This is our country. We want what is ours. If the laws don’t allow it. Change the laws to suit our people’s needs. We cannot continue to exist on the fringes of a large Pacific economy that boasts a ‘healthy’ GDP yet cannot show it in the impact on the lives of our people.
Tax the alcohol companies. They contribute to the widespread abuse and the violence associated with it. Our society is not mature enough to allow the widespread consumption of alcohol. Tax the cigarette companies. Make them all pay for the ill health of our people. We are not taking back PNG by allowing these cancers to continue untreated. We are in fact, selling off PNG’s future.
Reduce the cost of medical treatment at the private clinics and hospitals. Reduce the cost of dental care. It’s UNAFFORDABLE. How can a papa or mama in the village afford K500 for a tooth extraction.
Dear PM,
Give your people the means to look after themselves. Give your people the means to pay for their children’s education so they don’t become enslaved by politicians who peddle election policies that don’t really serve our people.
We don’t want to be dependant on government. We want to make our own money. Wealth in the hand of its people is real wealth.
We demand preferential treatment for US.
Our resources. Our Country. We deserve more.


"Wisuda Sambil Menggendong Anaknya.

Gadis cantik seperti emas West Papua yang berasal dari Vanuatu itu menggendong anaknya ketika menerima tanda wisuda tanpa relah membiarkan anaknya. Acara wisuda tersebut di saksikan oleh wisudawan/i, Dosen", orang tua wisudawan/i terutama tamu undangan.

Pesan terakhir yang di sampai kan oleh dosen kepada gadis itu di depan seluruh orang Vanuatu bahwa; Anda, Gadis Melanesia pertama yang berani menetapkan sejarah baru di telapak kaki orang asli Melanesia dan kami membanggakan Anda yang berani mengilustrasikan kewajiban sebagai seorang Perempuan Melanesia yang berani menanggung kewajiban itu secara universal.

Para undangan yang hadirin pun memberikan berbagai macam apresiasi sebagai tanda kebanggaan, ucapan atas keberhasilannya dan terutama sejarah baru yang ia menetapkan di telapak kaki orang Melanesia.

Kini orang Melanesia pun dapat memberikan manfaat baik kepada dunia untuk di ketahui dan melakukan, sebab ilustrasi nyata yang di lakukan gadis Melanesia secara universal.

Repost Coretan Kawan Aktivis.

Sad but REAL: Richest in Resources but Not Richest Country in Oceania

Why PNG is not amongst the richest countries in Oceania although endowed with vastness of resources. The top 10 richest countries in Oceania are;

1. Australia
2. New Zealand
3. Palau
4. Marshall Islands
5. Tonga
6. Federated States of Micronesia
7. Kiribati
8. Samoa
9. Nauru
10. Fiji
Now look at PNG's profile. What we have and enjoyed, they don't but we are not included on the list. Lets see who PNG is;
1. 11th largest producer of LNG
2. 20th biggest supplier of Gold
3. 18th biggest coffee producer
4. 12th biggest cocoa producer
5. 7th largest Palm oil producer
6. 7th largest copra producer
7. 5th largest vanilla producer
8. 2nd largest exporter of Round Logs
9. Supplies 25% of world Tuna fish
10. 3rd largest rainforest
11. Tropical wilderness and ecological goldmines that contains 5% of the world's diversity in less than 1% of the worlds total land area
12.With 8 operational mines
After 46 years, shy is PNG not advancing forward?
We are practically living off borrowed money , independent BUT still DEPENDENT .
Picture captioned : OK Tedi Mine Pit

J. Rumbiak: Terimakasih2dan Selamat Beristirahat Bapak Zadrach Wainggai

Thank you kaka tuan Dr. Jacob Rumbiak


By / Oleh : Jacob Rumbiak.

04 Juni 2022.

Bapak Zadrach Wainggai adalah orang tuan kandung dari adik Herman Wainggai satu dari sekian banyak generasi muda pejuang kemerdekaan Rumpung Bangsa Melanesia di wilayah geografis Papua Barat. Selain tuan Herman, Bapa Zadrach memilik anak-anak di bawahnya Herman (adik-adik dari tuan Herman Wainggai).

Tepatnya jam 04:00 am/pagi dini hari Sabtu, 4 Juni  2022,  saya memperoleh kontak dari seorang keluarga terdekat keluarga Wainggai bahwa satu jam yang lalu artinya jam 03:00-an pagi hari Sabtu dini hari Bapa terkasih Zadrak Wainggai telah dipanggil Tuhan pulang ke Rumah Tuhan. Ketika berita tersebut saya terima, saat itu pula saya hanya bisa terdiam dan merenungkan betapa besar, dalam dan luas peran kunci Yang Terhormat Bapa Zadrak Wainggai dalam perjuangan rakyat bangsanya. Dalam keadaan terdiam saypun hanya bisa mengiringi perjalanan beliau ke rumah Bapa di seberang sana lewat doa dan air mata.

Bapa Zadrach Wainggai adalah Putera TERBAIK milik rakyat bangsanya, beliau adalah sorang kepala rumah tangga, suami dari istri terkasihnya, bapa bagi ana-anaknya, tete/kakek dari cucu-cucunya. Selain itu beliau telah ditentukan Tuhan sebagai alatNya Tuhan untuk MENYIMPAN, MENYEMBUNYIKAN DAN MENYELAMATKAN sekian banyak generasi Josua Papua terdidik yang hari ini sedang berada memimpin berada di garda terdepan mengantar rakyat bangsanya menuju dan memasuki Pintu Gerbang Kemerdekaan.

Bapa Zadrach Wainggai, anak sangat mengagumi kesederhanaanmu, cara kerjamu pun tidak kelihatan, juga tidak berbunyi, namun kerjanmu telah menghasilkan dedaunan hijau dengan buah  yang  lebat dimana kini banyak orang sedang merasakannnya tetapi mereka tak mengetahui dari mana asalnya SUMBER SUPLAI makanan yang menumbuhkan dedaunan hijau dan buah segar tersebut?  Jawabnya: Asal sumber suplai adalah AKAR Pohon dan dia adalah Yang Terhormat Bapa Zadrak Wainggai.

Doa kami seluruh rakyat bangsamu kiranya Roh Kudus memberikan kekuatan kepada Nyonya / Mama Wainggai Karubaba, anaknya  Adik Tuan Herman Wainggai, adik-adiknya serta seluruh keluarga besar Wainggai Karubaba dalam dan luar negeri (di mana semuanya berada).

Bapa Wainggai Yang Terhormat, sekalipun bangsamu memiliki uang setinggi langit, emas mutiara dan benda-benda berharga lainnya seluas bumi kita ini tidak setimpal dengan nilai patriotisme Bapa. Yang bisa seluruh rakyat  bangsamu menghadiahkan kepadamu hanyalah Ungkapan Terimakasih serta  Doa kami mengiringi kepergianmu menuju Rumah Bapa deseberang Sana Sorga Merisi Sekali lagi Terkasih.  Kebesaran namamu, karya karsa dan cita rasa jasa serta pengabdian Bapa Wainggai telah terpatri dalam lembaran sejarah perjuangan Bangsa Melanesia di Wilayah Geografis kita Papua Barat untuk dikenang sepanjang masa.

Selamat Jalan Pahlawan Bangsa Melanesia Papua Barat, beristirahatlah dalam kedamaian abadi bersama Tuhan kita Yesus Kristus di Pusat Kota Allah.  Amin.