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Thursday 18 July 2024 – Member for Hiri-Koiari Hon. Keith Iduhu has cautioned the Government not to give false hope to the evicted illegal settlers of the 9- mile bushwara.

Mr Iduhu said this in light of Prime Minister James Marape announcing that he has given instructions to the Minister for Lands and the Member for Moresby Northeast to look for solutions for the settlers. Mr Iduhu said: “The grand proclamation and promise by the PM is counterproductive and purely political point scoring. 
Although I have been suggesting and advocating for proper land formalisation policy, it appears that ad hoc promises take precedence over long-term solutions.

“Hiri-Koiari and Central Province continues to be subjected to the encroachment and expansion of Port Moresby and the spill over of illegal settlers.

“I concur with the sentiments of Central Governor Hon. Rufina Peter who has urged commonsense and a zero tolerance stance against illegal settlers.

“While we sympathise with the hardship being faced by those evicted, we must also
be responsible with our statements and responses to this situation. The onus is now on the government to apply proper land and housing policy to this situation and not dish out promises.

“The government must provide proper housing for its citizens. We must PLAN and not PROMISE. We experience so many issues with living standards because we are letting our people become city planners, electricians, water suppliers and road constructors.
“The people of bushwara have been given promises thus far. 

And the promise land
for illegal settlers always seems to be Central Province and Hiri-Koiari. It is time the lands of provinces and districts be respected and not be subjected to state sanctioned land grabbing.”

Mr Iduhu also urged the people of Koiari not to cheaply and illegally give away land in the hopes for quick money.

“We have seen the damage caused in both long and short term due to the illegal sale of land. The social issues that come with urban drift, the increase in crime and social disorder, and the lack of services because of overpopulation.

“I urge our people of Koiari not to give in to land deals that will only cause more problems down the line. Let’s develop the land, invest in the future and see a return on these investments,” Mr Iduhu said.


Approved for Release:
Shadow Attorney General and Minister of Justice | Trade and Commerce | Administrative Services

Member for Hiri-Koiari

All independence day stalls sold out

All 100 stalls for the main Independence Day celebration in Port Vila have been sold out shortly after the prices were announced.

A total of 70 food stalls were sold at VT40,000 each, and 30 kava stalls sold at VT50,000 each. They were all sold out as of yesterday. The stalls are yet to be set up, and some buyers have indicated they will install their own tents.

Residents in Port Vila will come together in a Victory Parade three weeks from today to begin celebrations at the main venue, Independence Park.

The annual celebration of nationhood reminds the citizens of the strength, courage and unity that makes Vanuatu great. It is a time to reflect on the origin of the struggle for independence and the people who played significant roles.

Town Clerk of the Port Vila City Council (PVCC) and Secretary of the Organising Committee, David Hopa, said the sold out of the stalls indicate major public interest.

The five-day celebration is not intended for fundraising as some people might think rather, the stalls will serve to provide food for attendees throughout the event, he said.

Hopa said despite the nation’s challenges and diverse political views, customs, and geographical divisions across islands, the celebration of independence is a key moment for all citizens to unite in driving the nation forward.

The Town Clerk emphasised that its not just a moment to mark the country’s 44th anniversary from colonial rule, also to celebrate achievements such as the country’s first successful Referendum, the country’s second-time ranking at the top of the Happy Index among 150 nations worldwide, and its leadership on environment issues at the global stage.

He said the committee discourages separate celebrations in the wards, and urged everyone to convene at Independence Park where the Head of the Government will be addressing the nation from.

“As one people, we build a better Vanuatu” is the theme for this year’s 44th Independence anniversary.

Celebrations outside the Port Vila municipality on Efate are hosted by each Area Councils and the SHEFA Provincial Council

EXPOSED: The Opposition team through their Lawyers have filed a Special Supreme Court Application

As of yesterday, ( 10-06-2024) the Opposition team through their Lawyers have filed a Special Supreme Court Application at the Waigani Court House to have the Parliament recall to deal with the Vote of No confidence Motion which is still active..

During the Parliament sitting last week , The Speaker of Parliament and the Clerk of Parliament conspire with Prime Minister James Marape to deliberately reject the VONC motion due to technical errors as they claimed..
James Marape forcefully adjourned the Parliament to September (03-10-2024)..

As required by the constitution, The VONC is a democracy process and must be administered by the PBC & the Speaker of Parliament every 18 months time..
PM Marape and the speaker of Parliament have undermine our constitution by Hijacking the VONC and adjoun the Parliament.

After James Marape undermine the Constitution of our country and conspire with the speaker and Clerk of Parliament to reject the VONC motion on the floor of Parliament , The Opposite team have decided to take this VONC Matter to the highest Court..

Now that the VONC matter is before the Supreme Court , The Prime Minister and his Attorney General are looking for loopholes to once again delay / Prolong or have that matter thrown out of the Court also..

PNG Democracy is under attack from Warlords who doesn't have respect for our Constitution..

After Hijacking the Parliamentary Process , Now the Prime Minister is trying to hijack the court system also..

James Marape must know that not everyone is for sale.. Money can't buy everything that you need..

Politicans are for sale but not some Judges..

PNG is watching your moves


Opposition Files Supreme Court Case Questioning Connect PNG Program

Wednesday 25 June 2024

For Immediate Release – As the Leader of the Opposition, I have filed a Section 18 Supreme

Court Reference seeking the Court’s interpretation over certain issues with the Connect PNG

We have filed a case in the Supreme Court to review how the government is handling the funds for this program. 

As the Opposition, it is our job to make sure the government is following the laws of Papua New Guinea, especially when it comes to spending public money.

The main concern we have is whether the government has been properly allocating and using the funds for the Connect PNG Program. 

We believe that the money, which is a significant amount, has not been transferred or used according to the legal requirements. The funds in question include K257 million in 2021, K628 million in 2022, K785 million in 2023, and
K261 million in January 2024.

We want to make sure that every kina of public money is spent legally and transparently.

This is important not just for the current project but also for maintaining public trust in how the government handles finances.

Our application seeks clarity from the Supreme Court on several constitutional sections that deal with the management of public funds. These sections are essential for ensuring that the government uses public money responsibly and is held accountable.

By filing this case, we aim to protect the interests of the people of Papua New Guinea. We want to make sure that all government spending is done correctly and benefits everyone in the country.

The Opposition is committed to ensuring transparency, accountability, and proper use of
public funds. We believe that this case will help clarify how public money should be managed and ensure it is used for the right purposes.

I look forward to the case’s progression with its next hearing scheduled for July 2, 2024.

Authorised by the Leader of the Opposition, Port Moresby



By Wasita Royal

AS the 2024 Census program is winding down, controversy and debate have risen to the forefront of public discourse in Papua New Guinea. A spokesperson from East New Britain (ENB) Mr Warvakai Ainui, has voiced critical concerns over the spending linked to the national census.

"Every wards in PNG should have had a population database by now.

“The Ward Recorder and Ward Member should just present the population data and request funding for the ward.

"The millions spent on conducting a national census could have a significant impact if invested in healthcare and educational infrastructure.

"Our priorities should lie in ensuring our people have access to quality health services and educational opportunities," he continued.

He told FM100 that; though the census, is a nationwide exercise aimed at collecting population data and is is critical for government planning and allocation of resources; the logistical and financial burdens of conducting it have many grassroots leaders urging a reassessment of funding priorities.

Census enumerators not having form of identification on them except for the questionnaire folders and small green stickers; is inappropriate for they  should have appropriate attire as they are out in the field collecting datas.

This has ignited a wave of debate across the nation, with many questions where the funds allocated for the census should rather be for crucial sectors such as health and education.

He joined a growing number of voices expressing frustration over what they see as unnecessary government expenditures in the face of pressing societal needs.

Residents and local leaders argue that existing ward databases could be utilized for population data, potentially saving the government millions. This, in turn, could alleviate the strain on healthcare facilities and under-resourced schools.

As the debate rages on, the government faces mounting pressure to justify the census expenditure amid calls for transparently addressing the educational and healthcare needs of the population.

The 2024 Census program’s controversy stands as a story to tell to the ongoing struggle between bureaucratic processes and grassroots demands, leaving citizens to ponder the true costs and benefits of this nationwide stir.

Solomon Islands and Vanuatu sign Trivau Agreement to boost cross-border relations

Solomon Islands Prime Minister Jeremiah Manele, left, and Vanuatu Prime Minister Charlot Salwai Tabimasmas shaking hands after the signing of the ‘Tirvau’ agreement. Photo: Solomon Islands / Ministry of Foreign Affairs & External Trade

The Solomon Islands and Vanuatu have signed a border agreement to further strengthen the "cultural and historical ties" between the two Melanesian nations.

The Tirvau Agreement was signed by the prime ministers of the two countries in Honiara on 21 June.

The agreement is expected to boost cross-border relations between Solomon Islands' Temotu and Vanuatu's Torba provinces.

Temotu is the easternmost province of Solomon Islands, located closer to Vanuatu than Honiara, while Torba - comprised of Torres and Banks island groups - is the northernmost and least populous province of Vanuatu.

The Solomon Islands Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade (MFAET) said in a press release Tirvau is the feather money used by the people of Temotu.

"It signifies the diversity that exists in our countries and the value placed on our relations.

"The Tirvau basic border Agreement is the overarching framework that will govern and regulate the joint border arrangements and movements between the maritime border of Solomon Islands and Vanuatu."

The agreement is an extension of the Motalava Treaty between the two nations signed in October 2016, MFAET said.

Vanuatu Prime Minister Charlot Salwai said the areement is a testament that "we are one people, custodians of one solwara and that Melanesia is a reality".

"Tirvau has been a powerful trading system for our ancestors over thousands of years between the people from Temotu Province in the Solomon Islands and people from Torba Province in Vanuatu.

"Tirvau connects our two people and Tirvau brought peace and harmony between our two people.

"It is my hope and believe that the Agreement we sign today will continue to strengthen and bridge between our two people and to bring peace and harmony to our people."

His counterpart, Jeremiah Manele, said the agreement is about promoting peaceful relations, facilitating economic activities, and ensuring the effective governance of borders and cooperation on sectoral and humanitarian issues of mutual concern.

The agreement cements and binds current relations with a umi tugeda spirit, two wantok countries further formalising and recognising the traditional and cultural connections as Melanesians, Manele said, according to the MFAET release.

The border agreement will also allow for more visibility and transaction between the two countries for stronger connectivity, trading and economic growth.

While the two governments did not provide a date on when the framework comes into effect, Manele called on implementing authorities to be diligent in activating and operationalising the border agreement.

Meanwhile, Salwai said "embedded in the Tirvau Agreement is the spirit of the Melanesian way" and the signing of the agreement with Solomon Islands could set the platform for future border arrangement framework with other Melanesian countries.

"Vanuatu will seek to establish similar border arrangements with the government of New Caledonia (Kanaks) and the government of Fiji.

"We Melanesians must maintain our relationships in the Melanesian way."

𝘼𝙪𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙞𝙖𝙣 𝙋𝙚𝙤𝙥𝙡𝙚 are not Malays

𝘼𝙪𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙞𝙖𝙣 𝙋𝙚𝙤𝙥𝙡𝙚 are not Malays, Malays are only a small part of the Austronesian. The area where the Austronesian language is spread is not the "Alam Melayu"🌏

The Austronesian people are a large group of people in Taiwan, Maritime Southeast Asia, Micronesia, coastal New Guinea, Island Melanesia, Polynesia, and Madagascar. They also include indigenous ethnic minorities in Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand, Hainan, the Comoros, and the Torres Strait Islands.

Javanese still the Biggest Austronesian People population about 100 million. And countries with significant population are Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Madagascar, Guam, Tuvalu, Kiribati, Samoa, Tahiti, Tonga, Hawaii, Marshall Island, Palau etc.
And Indonesia country with the most Austronesian People.


UN passes China-proposed resolution to establish International Day for Dialogue among Civilizations

The 78th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) on Friday unanimously adopted a resolution proposed by China to establish the International Day for Dialogue among Civilizations.

The resolution states that all civilizational achievements are "the collective heritage of humankind." It advocates for respecting the diversity of civilizations and emphasizes "the crucial role of dialogue" among civilizations in maintaining world peace, promoting common development, enhancing human well-being, and achieving collective progress.

The resolution calls for "equal dialogue and mutual respect" among different civilizations, fully reflecting the core essence of the Global Civilization Initiative. It designates June 10 as the International Day for Dialogue among Civilizations.

Fu Cong, China's permanent representative to the United Nations, introduced the draft resolution at the UNGA plenary session. He stated that in the current context of multiple interlocking crises and challenges, the world has entered a new period of instability and change, placing human society once again at the crossroads of history.

Against this backdrop, China proposed the establishment of the International Day for Dialogue among Civilizations to fully leverage the importance of civilizational dialogue in "eliminating discrimination and prejudice, enhancing understanding and trust, promoting people-to-people connectivity, and strengthening solidarity and cooperation." This initiative injects positive energy into the global effort to address common challenges.

It demonstrates "China's firm support for multilateralism" and the work of the United Nations, highlighting China's responsibility as a major country in an era of unprecedented changes, Fu Cong said.

Source: here


Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs Hon. Sitiveni Rabuka received a courtesy visit from the non-resident Ambassador of Israel to Fiji and the Pacific, Mr. Roi Rosenbilt, whilst he commences a weeklong official visit to Fiji and the region.
The meeting recognized the deep relationship between the two countries and highlighted prospects to further elevate Fiji and Israel’s ongoing cooperation, particularly in development areas such as agriculture and economy.
This particularly through renewing cooperation on the internship program in agriculture sector which will enable 12 Fijians to continue a training program in Israel to develop their expertise in agriculture and learn new technologies.

As part of the agricultural cooperation, the Government of Israel had earlier this year signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Ministry of Agriculture.

Ambassador Rosenbilt engagements here this week is to see how best this cooperation can be materialized to yield return on investment for Fiji.

Further, Israel has reaffirmed its commitment to expand opportunities through the collaborative public-private sector partnership and investment in Fiji, that supports our hub status in the region.  

Ambassador Rosenbilt said his visit to Fiji is to see how best Israel can advance relations with Pacific, saying his grateful for the opportunity to meet with Prime Minister Rabuka and exchange views on mutual issues of importance to Fiji and the Pacific.
On the same note, Ambassador Rosenbilt acknowledged Prime Minister Rabuka’s concept on the Oceans of Peace, saying it is an inspiring and commendable initiative to advance global solidarity and peace.

He said Israel hopes that Fiji will consider opening an Embassy in Jerusalem, in the near future to further strengthen the two countries’ relations and collaboration.

During his visit this week, Ambassador Rosenbilt aims to have several discussions with Government and Non-Government agencies to advance Israel’s cooperation with Fiji.

The Ambassador is expected to pay a courtesy visit to the newly appointed Secretary General of the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) Mr Baron Waqa.  

#peoplescoalition #FijiNews #GovernmentNews #FijiGovernment

Ni-Vanuatu at Ok Tedi Gold Mine buys land in PNG

Moli Pakoro, 33, of Malo Island is the only worker from Vanuatu driving a giant crusher at Ok Tedi Gold Mine in Papua New Guinea (PNG). He is married to a ‘meri’ from the giant Melanesian country and has four children.

Entrance to Ok Tedi Gold Mine. Photo: Ok Tedi page

His wife is a childhood sweet heart from Kamewa Primary School on Santo where they both went to school. Her PNG parents arrived in Vanuatu to work for Vanuatu Copra and Cocoa Exporters (VCCE) Limited in Santo.

At 18, Pakoro became a seasonal worker under the Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) scheme in New Zealand. “I supported my wife to graduate from university in PNG,” he recalled.

Asked what his first sight of something in PNG that he had never seen before in public, he replied, “Guns because here in Vanuatu, we don’t see anyone with guns in public.

“But on my first arrival at Jackson Airport, I was not afraid because I was there to meet my girlfriend and her family.”

They had been apart on different countries for a while.

“We had not seen each other for two years so on my arrival I searched the huge colourful crowd for her while she also searched for me,” Pakoro said.

“I turned my head and there she was standing next to me without even knowing that I was next to her. I placed the palm of my hands over her eyes. She knew it was me. We took a plane then landed at an airstrip and took a bus and travelled for a whole day to arrive in her village!

“I trialed for heavy duty and I chose to drive a crusher and did my three months training in Cairns, Australia. I came back and drove a crusher at Ok Tedi Gold Mine.

“I enjoy working on the machine. A giant boulder is loaded on the crusher but it is smashed without any problem into sand. It is deposited into a kind of strainer and with water, gold is separated from waste matter.

“I touched and held gold in my hand. It is heavy. Sometimes it is found from panning in a river.

“At times we go down to my wife’s bubu’s place at Sepik and panned for gold in the river there, pack the grains of gold in small Panadol-like containers and sell the gold at Jayapura in West Papua, on the border of Indonesia.

“In PNG, you can drive through Wewak, Vanimo and Jayapura. You can pay approximately VT10, 000-VT15, 000 by bus and drive through”.

Asked to talk about the minimum wage of Papua New Guineans, Pakoro said, “In PNG, the standard of education is higher than Vanuatu and as the second best salary paying country in the Pacific below Australia, their people are better educated than us here in Vanuatu too.

“For instance, my small ‘tawi’ went as far as Year 6 in Santo but on their return to PNG, he started at year four to meet their standard”.

Pakoro said this explains why in PNG, their people own huge shops and super markets and expand even as far as the United States. This is because they are very well educated to compete in the market place. Their academic education is the key to their economic success.

“Look at my own case. I dropped off at Year 9 at Santo. If you enjoy a cook’s recipe, don’t keep going back to eat at the same restaurant but learn how to cook the same recipe yourself,” he said.

“I have assisted a little girl that my wife and I had adopted and we cared for her until she entered university. She is completing her law course next year to graduate with her Law Degree.

“What a satisfactory feeling knowing that you have contributed to this success story for her to graduate to enter the professional workforce.”

His advice to young Ni-Vanuatu like him is to study to climb up the ladder of success

“I decided I wanted to drive a heavy duty vehicle and travelled to learn how to drive it,” he said. “The pay is good and I studied in Cairns in Australia and came home with my qualification to control this machine. Good pay. No problem.

“Now at 33, I have yet to touch kava or cigarette or ‘lif tabak’. I take beer just to socialise and that’s it. Kava is selfish because after drinking your kava, you return home and eat of the food that your wife and children have eaten. Your family do not drink kava and you spend a lot of money on your kava and that is selfish.

“We all go overseas to work to earn money for our families so please let us earn to save and not spend.

“Know how and when to communicate with your supervisor about any challenges that you or your team face. You must show your concern to stand for your colleagues’ rights”.

His advice to Vanuatu seasonal workers in New Zealand and Australia is for them to save their earnings to invest it by going into business in the national Capital or Provincial Capitals to create employment opportunities for their families and or ‘wantoks’ towards reducing the number of young people leaving to do seasonal works overseas.

“My father-in-law is involved in agriculture so I asked if we could set him up in agriculture and he agreed. I invested in my first 200 hectares of land and went into cocoa farming, pawpaw farming and poultry farming,” he concluded.

Chinese Minister of International Department Liu Jianchao visits Vanuatu for the first time

The Chinese Minister of the International Department of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Liu Jianchao, is currently in Port Vila for his first visit to Vanuatu.

Despite this being his first time here, he expressed familiarity with the country, noting that his department has maintained close contact with Vanuatu’s political parties over the years, and that he has personally met many Vanuatu officials during their trips to China.

In his speech at the National Convention Centre yesterday, the Minister emphasised China’s commitment to high-quality cooperation within the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) framework and the implementation of three global initiatives aimed at promoting world peace, stability, and prosperity.

He invited countries worldwide to join China in its modernisation efforts and share in the resulting opportunities.

Liu acknowledged the geographical distance between China and Vanuatu, but highlighted the strong desire among Chinese people to visit Vanuatu.

“This interest is not only because Vanuatu was ranked the world’s happiest country in 2024 according to the Happy Planet Index but also due to the longstanding friendship between the two peoples,” he said.

He reminded that Chinese people began working and living in Vanuatu as early as the 1920s.

“Over the years, the relationship between the two nations has strengthened under the strategic guidance of their leaders…President Xi Jinping has often emphasized that Vanuatu is a great friend, good partner, and good brother to China in the Pacific Island region, making it a priority in China’s diplomacy with Pacific Island countries,” said Mr. Liu.

He outlined four principles guiding China’s relations with Pacific Island countries:

Mutual Respect and Equality: China respects the sovereignty, independence, culture, traditions, and unity efforts of Pacific Island countries.

Friendship and Common Interests: China prioritises cooperation in areas of importance to Pacific Island countries, such as climate change, economic growth, livelihoods, and social stability. China provides assistance without political strings, impositions, or empty promises, believing in empowering rather than merely aiding.

Mutual Support: China considers itself part of the developing countries’ family. China’s vote in the United Nations Security Council represents the interests of developing nations. Liu called for joint efforts to promote equal, inclusive economic globalization to defend common interests.

Open and Inclusive Cooperation: China and Pacific Island countries share a long history and a common aspiration for development. Their cooperation is natural and independent, free from third-party influences. Pacific Island countries have the right to manage their affairs and choose their partners.

The Minister concluded by acknowledging the differences in political systems, history, culture, and natural environments between China and Pacific Island countries. Despite these differences, he stressed that they belong to a community with a shared future, linked by the vast Pacific Ocean and bonded by deep friendship.

𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐮 𝐒𝐮𝐤𝐮𝐧𝐚 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝐂𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 𝐓𝐨 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐫 𝐕𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩

The Assistant Minister for iTaukei Affairs, Heritage, and Culture, Hon. Sikeli Tuiwailevu, this morning officiated at the soft launch of the Ratu Sukuna Day celebration and announced that it will take place over three days, starting on May 29th and ending on May 31st. 

The theme for this year’s celebration is “𝘊𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘣𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘝𝘪𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘳𝘺 𝘓𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘱 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘊𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘌𝘥𝘶𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯” as one of Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna’s enduring legacies is strengthening culture through the education system and traditional institutions.

While the main celebration will again be centered in Suva, the Ministry of Education and the Fiji National University will also organize programmes to honour the late Ratu Sir Josefa Lalabalavu Vana'ali'ali Sukuna. 

“We have a series of programmes. On 29 May, we will commence with a Culture and Education Symposium at the Holiday Inn. The Chief Guest will be the Chairperson of the Great Council of Chiefs,” said Hon Tuiwailevu.

This symposium which will be interactive will engage students and youths, educating them on Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna's visionary contributions to education while seeking their views on how his contribution can take the nation forward. 

Thursday the 30th of May will be dedicated to primary and secondary school students and will begin with an assembly at 9 am at Albert Park. The Permanent Secretary for Education Ms Selina Kuruleca will officiate at the event.

Thereafter, the park pavilion will host speech contests, cultural performances by students, and exhibitions showcasing Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna's enduring legacy.

The day will end with a public lecture by Professor Steven Ratuva at FNU Nasinu Campus from 5-8 pm, targeting the youth audience.

There will be a public march from the flea market to Albert Park on May 31st at 9 am. The Honorable Prime Minister will be the Chief Guest and will deliver the national address.

The celebrations will conclude with a state function at 6 pm at the State House while Cultural performances and live music will continue at Albert Park.

“The public is invited to visit the special exhibitions at the Albert Park Pavilion, Fiji Arts Council, and Fiji Museum, the public lecture on 30 May, and the public march and main celebration at Albert Park on 31 May.” 

“Let us all show our support for these celebration events and honor Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna's vision, aspirations, and legacy for Fiji,” the Assistant Minister stated in conclusion.

Ratu Timoci Tavanavanua, the Roko Tui Bau, spoke about the life of the late statesman at the event which was also graced by the presence of the Marama Bale na Roko Tui Dreketi Ro Teimumu Kepa, the Turaga na Qaranivalu Ratu Inoke Takiveikata, Turaga na Tui Kalabu, Ratu Paula Maiwiriwiri and the Assistant Minister for Education Hon Iliesa Vanawalu.

Ratu Sir Josefa Lalabalavu Vana'ali'ali Sukuna was born in 1888, into a chiefly family on the island of Bau. 

He made significant contributions to the history and identity of Fiji. Despite the British prohibition on Indigenous Fijians fighting in World War I, Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna joined the French Foreign Legion and was awarded the prestigious Medaille Militaire for his service.

Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna’s dedication to supporting the war efforts during both World Wars I and II connected Fiji to countries around the world such as France and England.

Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna passed away en route to England on the ship Arcadia on 30 May 1958. 

He was buried at the Sau Tabu in Tubou, Lakeba alongside the great leaders of Lau. His legacy lives on through the role he played in the pre-independence years. 

His passing marked the end of an era, but his influence in shaping pre-independence Fiji ensured the nation's existence, making him a crucial figure in Fiji's continuing story.

 #FijiGovernment #GovernmentNews #CoalitionGovernment #FijiNews #TeamFiji

Government Unshaken by Vote-of-No-Confidence Motion: Prime Minister Marape

Port Moresby, May 22, 2024 – Prime Minister Hon. James Marape has affirmed that the Government remains steadfast and undeterred by the Opposition’s vote-of-no-confidence motion.

“We had a full Cabinet today for our National Executive Council meeting and our government business for the two weeks of Parliament starting next Tuesday have been cleared,” Prime Minister Marape stated.

“We are not deterred by any conversations on a vote-of-no-confidence despite all the hype.

“If a vote-of-no-confidence is put up, the Parliament process will deal with it.

“The title or position of prime minister is not my birthright, as I have said many times. If there’s anyone else out there who is better than me, then they can take over. I’m only doing my part in the time that I am here.

“Pangu Pati has support with 59 MPs as of today and another to join and bring this up to 60. Coalition numbers are intact. We won 39 seats at the 2022 elections, which is a record number as far as the history of our elections is concerned. Our numbers are intact and secure as we go into this sitting of Parliament.”

Prime Minister Marape welcomed any challenges from the Opposition or other opposing parties outside of Parliament, emphasising their right to hold the Government accountable as part of the democratic process and freedom of expression.

Prime Minister Marape reiterated earlier statements, saying: “I will present a full report of what this Government has done under my leadership since taking office in May 2019. I will table this report on May 30, 2024, during the Parliament session.”

Addressing the vote-of-no-confidence motion proposed by the Opposition, Prime Minister Marape advised: “My advice to the Opposition is not to repeat the same mistakes from the February sitting of Parliament when the last vote-of-no-confidence motion was filed.

“They brought in a motion with defects on it.

“If they are filing a motion, it must be filed in accordance with the legal and technical requirements.

“These include correct signatures and designations of MPs involved. These are elementary and primary matters but they seem to get it wrong. Since our country’s Independence in 1975, vote-of-no-confidence procedures have been in place and are entertained if done in the proper way.”

Prime Minister Marape added: “This Government under my watch will not avoid any of the challenges from those in the Opposition benches.

“But they must comply with all laws to do with vote-of-no-confidence.

“We’re not ignorant to the requirements of law.

“In fact, be reminded that there are a couple of MPs on that side now who crossed the floor of Parliament and broke laws in 2011, with the intention of forming a new Government.

“In 2024, due process is complied with. I welcome scrutiny and attempts of vote-of-no-confidence, but please follow due process.”

Prime Minister Marape announced that Constitutional Bills the Government will bring to this Parliament sitting include the Declaration of PNG as a Christian country (second and final readings), PNG’s Court Structure Amendments, and Proposed Amendments on vote-of-no-confidence filing attempts and the grace period for Government following an unsuccessful vote-of-no-confidence.

“The National Gold Corporation Bill 2024 will not be brought to Parliament in this sitting but we will allow for further consultations, without removing the goal post of establishing a gold refinery in PNG,” he said.

“The Opposition voted against declaring PNG a Christian country in the first reading in the last sitting of Parliament. I urge them to rethink and support this Bill for the good of the country. Other important bills will also be tabled.”



THE police hierarchy is cracking the whip in a bid to reintroduce positive changes within the Royal PNG Constabulary according to the Chief of Administration Deputy Commissioner Dr Philip Mitna.

The Constabulary's executive management will continue to introduce reforms aimed at improving policing services across the nation, from here onward and into the immediate future.

 Dr Mitna said this yesterday after swapping his former position as Deputy Commissioner Regional Operations to assume the role of Deputy Commissioner Administration. 

The cabinet recently appointed former DCP Administration Joanne Clarkson to a new diplomatic portfolio representing the RPNGC in Australia, appointed Samson Kua as Deputy Commissioner Regional Operations and appointed Dr Mitna as the new DCP and Chief of Administration taking over from Clarkson.

When assuming office, Dr Mitna said "the nation was going through tough economical times and therefore it was imperative for the Constabulary to tighten up on unnecessary expenditure, and redivert funding to purchase essential items such as uniforms, and to fix some of the rundown police stations and barracks infrastructure across the country.

He said the vehicle reflecting exercise spearheaded by Commissioner Manning will continue unabated until most of the hired vehicles currently used for police operations are replaced with a properly funded government fleet across the nation. 

“We have now placed a ban on all unnecessary overtime claims and all Divisional Commanders Provincial Police Commanders and Police Station Commanders will now take more responsibility to ensure that punctuality in the work place and ethical standards are restored and maintained at all times.”

DCP Mitna said our biggest challenge now is to win back public support and trust. 

“The tragic events of black Wednesday on January 10 had 
severed our relationship with the community especially here in Port Moresby city, and therefore it was imperative for the Constabulary to win back public trust and confidence in the hearts and minds of the people, the government and all other stakeholders,” DCP Mitna said.

He said the Internal Affairs directorate will vigorously pursue all outstanding disciplinary cases, identify corrupt police officers and terminate them from the force. 

“We will cleanse this organization to win back the trust and confidence of the people,” DCP Mitna said.

The office of DCP Administration will now reintroduce the police code of ethics contained in the Constabulary Standing Orders (CSO) to stimulate changes in front line policing across the nation, and it will encourage the Divisional Commanders, PPCs and PSCs to drive this ambitious change.

They will have to maintain regular parades and manpower audit, and take stock of their inventory on firearms vehicles, furniture, computers, printers and all other forms of hardware at their disposal. 

He said such audit and inventories are part of the organizational culture enshrined in the CSO and Constabulary's Standard Operations Procedure (SOP) manuals.

He said proper accountability of these vital assets will also help to promote the values of good governance within the Constabulary.

“We will reintroduce the CSO and SOPs, and ensure that ACPs PPCs and PSCs are made to exert and maintain these values down the rank and file,” DCP Mitna said.

“The SOP is the guide that basically spells out the rules of engagement for all members of the Constabulary,” he said.

“Much of the values of
discipline accountability and ethical conduct have eroded considerably over the years because policemen and policewomen opted to be ignorant and irresponsible.

In doing so, we acquired the risk of exposing the organization to all forms of exploitation.

 That will change from here onward,” DCP Mitna said, while emphatically stressing on the importance of reintroducing the SOP. 

He made these remarks in a meeting with some of his senior officers at Police Headquarters yesterday.

PM Rabuka Bids Farewell to Outgoing Secretary- General of the Pacific Islands Forum, Henry Puna

“When the baton was passed to you two years ago, Forum Leaders entrusted the Secretariat to your capable hands, recognising your extensive experience as a stateman. Your deep understanding of the Forum and its membership assured us all that you were well- equipped to lead”.

These were the sentiments shared by Prime Minister Honourable Sitiveni Rabuka while delivering his heartfelt remarks to the esteemed outgoing Secretary- General, Henry Puna at the Pacific Islands Forum this evening. (16.05.24)

Reflecting on Mr. Puna’s leadership, Prime Minister Rabuka highlighted the important role of Mr. Puna in promoting gender equality, enhancing resilience, forging new partnerships, advancing climate action initiatives, engaging youth in climate negotiations, addressing debt crisis and facilitating trade and economic development across the region. 

“You have demonstrated commitment to advancing the collective welfare and aspirations of Pacific Islands nations, emboldens us to believe in your ongoing advocacy ensuring that our region’s concerns remain steadfastly championed on the global stage.” 

Further expressing confidence in Mr. Puna’s dedication to the region, Prime Minister Rabuka stressed Mr. Puna’s leadership was characterised by a steadfast commitment to advancing regionalism and address pressing issues of Pacific Island nations.

“Under his guidance, the Pacific Island Forum achieved numerous milestones, including strategic endorsements such as the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent and the Pacific Roadmap for the Economic Development”. 

Concluding his remarks, Prime Minister Rabuka extended his heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Puna and the Cook Islands for their contributions, wishing him success in his future endeavours.

“Secretary General, as you return to your beautiful island of Cook Islands and to your family, you take with you the gratitude of the people of the Pacific. We wish you well in your future endeavours”.

#FijiGovernment #FijiNews #CoalitionGovernment

ULMWP President confirms Government-in-waiting

 The United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) has held a major internal meeting on the Island of New Guinea to reaffirm the Resolutions of the 2023 Congress.

Approved by ULMWP President Benny Wenda and Prime Minister (PM) Edison Waromi, 12 Cabinet Ministers and seven Regional Executives have been reaffirmed in their existing roles.

With this move, the ULMWP is building capacity on the ground and confirming its status as a government-in-waiting.

President Wenda said the ULMWP is the legitimate representative of West Papuans and is ready to represent West Papua at the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG).

The first ULMWP Congress was held in November 2023 in Jayapura, West Papua.

Attended by over 5,000 West Papuans from all factions and all seven customary regions, the Congress attendees elected Mr. Benny Wenda as ULMWP President and Mr. Edison Waromi as Prime Minister.

The final Congress Resolutions reaffirmed the ULMWP’s existing 2020 Constitution, internal structure, and threefold roadmap of a) MSG full membership b) a UN Human Rights visit to West Papua c) a Self-Determination Referendum.

An internal ULMWP meeting was held on the Island of New Guinea in April 2024, and was attended by the majority of the Executive and Cabinet. All Cabinet Ministers were invited.

President Benny Wenda (centre) formalises Government-in-waiting in PNG. By Len Garae

The ULMWP Executive clarified the results of the 2023 Congress and confirmed the Constitution and Congress Resolutions.

The existing ULMWP roadmap, constitution, and Green State Vision were all reaffirmed.

President Wenda confirmed the current 12 Cabinet Ministers and seven Regional Executives were all also reaffirmed in their existing roles.

They are as follows: 

  1. Department of Foreign Affairs — Dr Jacob Rumbiak, 
  2. Department of Environment & Green State Policy — Ms Fanny Kogoya, 
  3. Department of Home Affairs – Mr. Markus Haluk, 
  4. Department of Justice & Rights of All Beings – Mr. Daniel Radongkir S.Sos,
  5. Department of Political Affairs – Mr. Bazoka Y Logo, 
  6. TABI – Mr. Benny Yanteo, SAIRERI – Mr. Edison Kendi, DOMBERAI – Mr. Markus Yenu, BOMBERAI – Mr. Erick Fimbay, ANIMHA – Mr. Mathias Tambaip, MEE – PAGO – Mr. Habel Nawipa, LA – PAGO – Mr. Herman Kossay, 
  7. Department of Indonesia Affairs – Mr. Jack W, 
  8. Department of Melanesian Affairs — Costantinopel Ruhukael, 
  9. Department of Women and Child affairs – Ms Iche R Morib, 
  10. Department of Social and Cultural Affairs – Mr. Sem Awom, 
  11. Department of Police — Dr Frans F Kapisa, 
  12. Department of Defense -Mr. Manase Tabuni and 
  13. Department of Finance — Ms Esther Game.

A Motion on Foreign Policy regarding West Papua had been passed in the Vanuatu Parliament

 West Papua National Coalition for Liberation (WPNCL

    P.O. Box 1571, Port Vila, Republic of Vanuatu, Ph: +678 5616733, Mb: +678 5540090 E-mail:,


20th June 2010.

A Motion on Foreign Policy regarding West Papua 

had been passed in the Vanuatu Parliament.

Yesterday, on 19th of June 2010, during the Parliament Extra ordinary sitting, the head of the Government, Hon. Prime Minister, Eduard Natape MP, and the leader of the Opposition Hon. Maxime Carlot Korman MP jointly sponsor a Motion in Parliament to declare Vanuatu’s Foreign policy regarding West Papua. It was passed with bipartisan support to become a Bill of Parliament. The initial move was made by Independent Member for Port Vila, Hon. Ralph Regenvanu MP. During the 31
st of May ordinary session Hon. Regenvanu tabled a Petition on behalf of the People of Vanuatu [Petition of the People of Vanuatu] calling for clear foreign policy on West Papua. This is a significant development and indeed a historic one. This “Wantok blong yumi” Bill will allow the government to develop specific policies on how to support the independence struggle of West Papua. The following proposals from the Peoples’ Petition could become policy instruments of the Bill:

1.  Sponsor and pass a motion in national Parliament officially declaring that Vanuatu’s foreign policy is to support the achievement of the independence of West Papua;


2. Sponsor a resolution at the 2010 Melanesian Spearhead Group’s Leaders Summit that the independence movement in West Papua be given Observer Status at the MSG;


3. Sponsor a resolution at the 2010 Pacific Island Forum Leaders Summit that the independence movement in West Papua be given Observer Status at the Forum;

4. Sponsor resolutions to the Melanesian Spearhead Group’s Leaders Summit, the Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Summit and the United Nations calling for fact-finding missions be sent by each of these bodies to West Papua to investigate alleged violations of the human rights of it’s Melanesian populations;


5. Become the official state sponsor of the case of West Papua in the International Court of Justice seeking a judgment on the legality of the 1969 “Act of Free Choice”;


6.  Sponsor a resolution in the United Nations to put West Papua back on the United Nations’ list of Non-Self-Governing Territories;


7. Create a West Papua Desk in the Department of Foreign Affairs with a budget sufficient to facilitate the Government’s international advocacy efforts in support of West Papua’s independence;


8. Ratify the United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, to provide Vanuatu with an avenue for additional support to the people of West Papua.

In his address, responding to the bipartisan support for the Motion the Prime Minister, Hon. Edward Natape MP promised that he will sponsor the issue of West Papua to MSG and PIF-meetings. He will propose that the independent movement of West Papua be granted Observer Status with these two regional bodies. The Honorable Prime Minister also stated that his government will proceed to apply for West Papua to be relisted with the UN Decolonization Committee in order for the Territory to be given the due process of Decolonization.

Representatives from the West Papua National Coalition for Liberation, Dr. John Otto Ondawame (Vice Chairman) and Mr. Andy Ayamiseba (Vanuatu Mission) were very grateful to the government, the opposition and the people of Vanuatu for this very historic undertaking on the issue calling a clear foreign policy of the Government of Vanuatu in supporting the independence of West Papua. We also express our special thank goes to all members of the Vanuatu Free West Papua Association for their endless support in the past seven years urging the Government of Vanuatu to declare its clear foreign policy on independence of West Papua, which calls were ended with a successful story nduring the Extra Ordinary Parliamentary session on 19th June 2010 in Port Vila. 

For the information, please contact Dr. Otto Ondawame (+678 5616733) and Andy Ayamiseba (+678 5540090). 

Vanuatu celebrates top ranking in Happy Planet Index

Vanuatu is proud to announce its achievement of ranking #1 out of over 150 countries worldwide on the Happy Planet Index (HPI), for the second time since the index was first published in 2006.

Two Government ministers, government officials, representatives from the diplomatic corps, Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), and the general public celebrated Vanuatu's achievement of claiming the top spot in the HPI at the Vanuatu Kaljoral Senta (VKS) in Port Vila yesterday afternoon.

The new HPI rankings were revealed yesterday to compare how well nations are creating human wellbeing using their limited environmental resources.

Vanuatu claimed the top spot, as revealed in the data analysis conducted and produced by the New Economics Foundation (NEF), an independent think tank based in the United Kingdom (UK).

This index rates countries based on their overall well-being and environmental sustainability, marking a significant departure from traditional economic metrics. Surprisingly, while Vanuatu shines at the forefront, European nations find themselves trailing far behind in the rankings.

The HPI turns the old world order on its head by highlighting how rich Western nations are often inefficient at creating wellbeing for their people. Vanuatu has again been ranked in first place for the second time due to its respect-driven cultural values and practices and its commitment to environmental protection and climate action. 

In contrast, the United States of America was placed as the lowest scoring G7 nation at 122nd place, ranking low on both wellbeing and ecological footprint.

The HPI measures ‘efficiency’ using three indicators – wellbeing, life expectancy and ecological footprint. It was created by statistician Nic Marks, who said: “Promoting human happiness doesn’t have to be at odds with creating a sustainable future. The HPI’s mantra is that good lives don’t have to cost the earth, and after 18 years of rankings, this feels more relevant and timely than ever.”

Countries that rank highly on the HPI show that it is possible to live long, happy lives with a much smaller ecological footprint than found in the highest-consuming nations. 

The top 10 countries by HPI score are as follows:

1. Vanuatu
2. Sweden
3. El Salvador
4. Costa Rica
5. Nicaragua
6. Denmark
7. Spain
8. Panama
9. France
10. Chile

Speaking on behalf of the Minister of Finance, John Salong, yesterday, the Minister of Health, John Still Tari Qetu, stated that an index is a statistical tool that aggregates various indicators to understand something. There are many indices in the world today, such as the poverty index, corruption index, development index, and price index of items purchased from stores or markets.

These indexes help a country understand its performance when compared to other countries in the world or region,” he said.

“We can see how we perform on these indices and how our position or score changes when indices are published regularly. For a country to be included in such an index, data must be available.

“The United Nations publishes the Human Development Index or HDI, which looks at three standard indicators of health, education, and income. Many countries view the HDI as a good tool to show progress, but almost everything reported for HDI largely depends on access to money, and HDI does not consider environmental quality at all.”

He mentioned that in 2021, Vanuatu was ranked number 140 out of over 150 countries in the world on the HDI. It is one of the worst countries in terms of human development in this index because of low income. In the same year, 2021, Vanuatu was ranked number 2 in the world out of over 150 countries on the Happy Planet Index, or HPI. The HPI ranks countries on their ability to provide happy and long lives for their people in a way that does not destroy the environment.

“The Happy Planet Index is a tool for measuring the sustainability of development in the world,” he said. 

“Many countries follow a development model that tries to grow the economy endlessly, believing that if money or the economy grows, the well-being of the people will increase. But many developments that harm the environment can make the economy grow.

“Western indices like the Human Development Index, which compare the development of countries around the world, look at income, assets or things that need money to buy (like air conditioners, trucks, and mobile phones), and access to services that require money to use (like the main power grid and public water treatment).

The Happy Planet Index is independent of money and measures countries on their ability to transform their natural resources into the well-being of their people. HPI looks at: Life expectancy, which is a standard indicator of health. The development of a country should not compromise the health of its population. The experience of well-being, which is a standard indicator of happiness. The development of a country should not compromise the happiness of its population.”

The Minister further stated that the consumption, which is a standard indicator of the quality of the natural environment, the development of a country should not spoil the natural environment that the population depends on for a long and happy life.

The HPI has been published every 3-4 years since 2006 when Vanuatu was #1 in the world. In 2006, every country in the world was included in the index, and if a country did not have an indicator, they estimated its value with another indicator.

Following the review of the 2006 HPI, many countries complained about the inclusion of other countries that did not collect data on life satisfaction. The HPI released in 2009 and 2012 did not include Vanuatu, and every other Pacific country that was in the 2006 HPI was removed, like Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Fiji, and Papua New Guinea (PNG).

In 2010, Vanuatu ran a pilot of "Alternative Indicators of Wellbeing for Melanesia" through Malvatumauri with the partnership of the Vanuatu National Statistics Office (now Vanuatu Bureau of Statistics or VBoS), and a report came out in 2012. 

Following the report of the 2012 pilot study, there were other collections of statistics that took life satisfaction, and HPI asked Vanuatu to submit new data. Vanuatu returned to the HPI in 2016 and took #4 in the world and #1 in the Asia/Pacific region.

“Following Vanuatu's #2 ranking in 2021, we continue to collect well-being data and today, the Happy Planet Index has published again with new rankings for countries around the world. We see Vanuatu in the HPI again through the hard work of everyone at the VBoS on the Melanesian Wellbeing Indicator Project,” Acting Finance Minister Qetu said

Andy Calo, the Chief Statistician at VBoS, said, “Vanuatu is currently the only Pacific Island Country to have the required data needed to calculate an HPI score as a result of our Melanesian Wellbeing Indicator initiative, which has helped to illustrate the valuable contributions our culture and environment make to our collective and individual wellbeing in Vanuatu”.  

While celebrating this accomplishment, Vanuatu’s officials acknowledge that there are areas for improvement. The Government is committed to addressing challenges such as enhancing government stability, reducing violence against women, improving education outcomes, and building an economy that better meets the needs of our growing population.

“We recognise that there is still work to be done to further improve the well-being of our citizens,” stated Mr. Shing. “However, this achievement affirms the importance of our kastoms, culture, leaders, and laws in shaping a sustainable and fulfilling life in Vanuatu.”

Vanuatu remains dedicated to its mission of achieving balanced and sustainable development while preserving its unique cultural heritage and pristine environment. The country looks forward to continuing its journey towards a brighter and more prosperous future for all its citizens.

Prime Minister Manele calls for respect to democracy

PRIME Minister elect for Solomon Islands Honourable Jeremiah Manele gave his first speech outside parliament today reminding Solomon Islanders to respect and uphold the democratic process of electing our Prime Minister.

Mr Manele said past Prime Minister’s elections have been met with the act of violence and destruction which had affected our economy and livelihoods.

However, he said today Solomon Islands must show the world that “we are better than that”.

“We must respect and uphold the democratic process of electing our Prime Minister and set an example for our children and their children,” Mr Manele said.

Mr Manele won as Prime Minister with 31 votes and his contender the Honourable Member of Parliament for Auki Langalanga Matthew Wale 18 votes. A total of 49 votes were cast during the Prime Minister’s Election this morning with one absent.

The Prime Minister elect said Solomon Islands is still on the recovery path after the COVID-19 global pandemic and the 2021 riots.

He said the recent report by the Central Bank on the state of our economy is concerning and calls for a more focus and aggressive approach.

“It is not an easy task, but we will be reaching out to all relevant stakeholders as we progress on our road to recovery,” the Prime Minister elect said.

Mr Manele also outlined the immediate tasks of the Government for National Unity and Transformation. These include the appointment of the members of Cabinet, Members of Parliament oath of allegiance and the election of the speaker and deputy speaker.

The Prime Minister elected added that his Government for National Unity and Transformation has already begun work on its policy and 100 days program which will be unveiled soon.

“There are also a number of legislations that are ready to come before parliament. These include the value added tax bill, space economic zone bill, mineral resources bill, forestry bill and others.

“Cabinet will meet and decide on the priority legislations and policy programs for 2024 which include whether we need to revised the 2024 Budget or not,” Mr Manele said.

Mr Manele is the Honourable Member of Parliament for Hograno Kia Havulei and the first MP from Isabel Province to be elected Prime Minister of Solomon Islands.

“This is indeed a historic moment for my people of Isabel Province to have one of their sons as a Prime Minister of Solomon Islands.

“I will discharge my duties diligently and with integrity. I will at all times put the interest of the people and country above all other interests,” the Prime Minister elect said.

Almighty God, Loving God, Free West Papua

Almighty God, 
Our Redeemer and Saviour of the world, Our Creator and Source of Life, Love and Peace;
We come before you on this special day as we witness another year of commemoration day for the people of West Papua. 

Loving God, 
as we gather here, miles away from our brothers and sisters in the islands of Papua and in particular, West Papua, we confess the sins of humankind, the greed, the violence, the victimization, the power hunger, throughout history. 
As humans, it is difficult for us to forgive those who cause hurt, pain and suffering. But as your children, we humbly ask Your forgiveness upon us all – humankind; for perpetrators of violence and inhumane acts, for perpetrators of prejudice and injustice. 
We also ask Your forgiveness upon each one of us who may not feel directly affected by the situation, but continue to be arrogant, blind and deaf to the injustices in our Pasefika region. Lord have mercy on us, your children. 

Loving God,
as we commemorate this day, with all the history and pain it has brought about, for some it may be a day to remember victory, while to many, a day of pain.
We can only give You thanks and praise for all Your blessings and for helping your people through all the challenges, trials and tribulations they have faced over the years and continue to face today as they strive for self determination.
We give you thanks for those gone before us. 
We give you thanks for the many rich natural resources that West Papua has to offer. And we give you thanks for the people who continue to be resilient, strong and courageous in all they endure. 
We give You thanks for those today who continue to be the prophetic voice in your lands. We give you thanks for the work of the Pacific Conference of Churches, the Pacific Network on Globalization, and many others, known and unknown to us, who through their acts of service, continues to be a pillar of hope to our people of West Papua. 

Loving God, 
You are familiar with suffering and the pain of your children doesn't escape your gaze of compassion.
We ask for you to set people free in West Papua. We pray for the ones who have been oppressed and in fear for so long. We pray for those in power, who are giving the orders for violence out of greed or fear of scarcity, or prejudice.

May your kingdom of justice, peace, joy and forgiveness transform the situation. Bring courage and peace to those in the independence movement. Please bring your healing and your making things right and new.
We make this our humble prayer which we ask and plead in the name of God the Father, Christ His Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

[Prayer for The West Papua Annexation Day]