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Kepada Yang Terhormat KPK RI: Perihal Pembunuhan Lukas Enembe

Yth. Ketua KPK - RI

         Di - Jakarta 
Beberapa hal berikut ini agar menjadi perhatian khusus Ketua KPK - RI dan jajarannya ; 

1. Berita Kematian almarhum Bapak Lukas Enembe mantan Gubernur Papua 2 (dua) Periode ( 2013 - 2023 ) Pada hari ini Selasa 26 Desember 2023 di Rumah Sakit Gatot Subroto Jakarta telah menjadi sorotan utama rakyat Papua dan seluruh Rakyat Papua sedang Berduka. 

2. Dimata kami Rakyat Papua, sosok Lukas Enembe adalah Pemimpin Pembaharu Peradaban Orang Papua. Bukan seorang Kriminal seharusnya Pemerintah dan Negara Republik Indonesia memberikan Penghargaan yang setinggi - tingginya kepada L.E.

3. L.E adalah Pemimpin Rakyat Papua yang Fenomenal, Sebagai Pemimpin Besar Rakyat Papua, L.E Tegas, Lugas dan Konsisten dalam mewujudkan Visi dan Misinya sebagai Gubernur Papua. Selama masa kepemimpin L.E telah banyak menorehkan prestasi dan karya monumental yang akhirnya akan menjadi legacy bagi generasi masa kini dan generasi yang akan datang.

3. Apakah benar L.E melakukan tidak pidana Korupsi atau tidak?
Terlepas dari penilaian negatif terhadap Kepemimpinan L.E. Sejarah mencatat L.E adalah orang Papua Pertama yang menjabat sebagai Gubernur Papua selama 2 ( dua ) Periode.

4. KPK - RI telah memaksakan kehendak menangkap bapak L.E secara membabi buta dalam keadaan Sakit dan memperlakukan L.E secara tidak manusiawi sejak penangkapan sampai dengan penjatuhan Vonis Pindana Penjara maka, seluruh Rakyat Papua sepakat bahwa KPK - RI secara tidak langsung sudah membunuh Pemimpin besar rakyat Papua.

5. Ketua KPK - RI harus tau diri bahwa masih ada ribuan Pejabat korup di negara ini, menangkap L.E belum tentu menghilangkan ribuan Pejabat korup di negara ini.

6. Ketua KPK - RI dan jajarannya harus tau diri bahwa KPK - RI telah membunuh Pemimpin Rakyat Papua secara Sistematis Terstruktur, maka kami Rakyat Papua menuntut KPK- RI harus bertanggung jawab dan mengantar mayat Almahrum L.E sampai ke tanah Papua lalu serahkan kepada keluarga secara bermartabat.

7. Apabila KPK - RI dan jajarannya tidak mengatarkan Mayat Almahrum L.E sampai di Papua maka, Rakyat Papua akan bersatu melumpuhkan segala aktivitas diatas tanah Papua boikot Pemilu serentak 2024 dan tuntut Referendum.

8. Pada Akhirnya Semua Manusia akan mati, kalian KPK - RI juga akan menua dan mati (hukum alam) tidak ada manusia yang akan hidup abadi di dunia ini, kalian akan mempertanggung jawabkan perbuatan kalian di hadapan Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa. Terkutuklah Mafia Hukum yang suka menggunakan Instrumen Negara untuk kepentingan kelompok dengan mendiskriminasi dan mengkriminalisasi rakyat Papua.

Demikian atas perhatian dan kerja sama_nya kami haturkan Terima kasih 🙏

Selasa 26 Desember 2023

Tokoh Masyarakat West Papua.

Tuyombak Enumbi

Mohon di teruskan ke KPK - RI 🙏

Vanuatu's Shefa province recognises West Papua government

Vanuatu's Shefa province is recognising Benny Wenda as the interim president of a provisional West Papuan government.

In a country that has historically been the most vocal in support of West Papuan self-determination rights, Shefa province is the first authority in the country to officially recognise an independent West Papua government.

Wenda, a West Papuan pro-independence activist who fled persecution in his homeland under Indonesian control, was granted asylum in the United Kingdom in 2003.

A year ago, as the head of the United Liberation Movement for West Papua, Wenda announced that it was forming a 'Provisional Government' of West Papua, with him as the interim president.

Shefa's recognition of that government was announced by the Secretary General of Shefa provincial government, Morris Kaloran, to mark the 60th aniversary of West Papua's declaration of independence which was soon overshadowed by a controversial US-brokered agreement which paved the way for Indonesia to take control of Papua.

Kaloran said the ULMWP Provincial Government and its Interim President were the legitimate representatives of the people of West Papua and their struggle.

In a symbolic gesture, Shefa province had already adopted the indigenous Melanesian people of West Papua and their struggle for self determination and liberation from Indonesian rule.

"The destiny of our two Melanesian peoples of West Papua and Vanuatu is joined. The West Papuan people remain enslaved and colonised in 21st century, subject to discrimination, assassination and military operations," Kaloran said.

"Their gallant freedom struggle, under the guidance and leadership of the ULMWP Provisional Government, is moving ever closer to victory. Until the people of West Papua are, no one in Melanesia is free.

Indonesia's government opposes the ULMWP's claims to represent West Papuans, saying the people of the Papuan provinces of Indonesia have democratic rights like other people in the republic.

Both Indonesia and the ULMWP have been granted membership in the Melanesian Spearhead Group, whose full members Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands and New Caledonia's Kanaks have expressed a wish for Jakarta to engage in dialogue with West Papuans about their grievances.

Marape Government Allocates K440 Million in 2024 to Alleviate Cost of Living Pressures

Marape Government Allocates K440 Million in 2024 to Alleviate Cost of Living Pressures for Papua New Guinea Families

Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, November 28, 2023 - In a significant move aimed at easing the financial burdens faced by Papua New Guinea families, the Marape Government has earmarked K440 million in the 2024 Budget to address the escalating cost of living challenges.

The Marape Government remains steadfast in its commitment to addressing the economic challenges faced by Papua New Guinea's citizens, striving to create a more sustainable and prosperous future.

Treasurer Hon. Ian Ling-Stuckey unveiled this positive development during the presentation of the 2024 Budget in Parliament today.

This allocation comes as an additional measure to the commendable K1.177 billion already provided by the Marape Government over the past two years through its Housing Assistance Package, assisting families grappling with the strains of the rising cost of living.

The K440 million allocation is strategically directed towards alleviating the financial strain on parents by introducing school project fee subsidies. Under this initiative, parents will no longer bear up to 20 per cent of school project fees for any of their children attending schools.

Furthermore, the Marape Government is set to institutionalise the increment in the tax-free threshold to K20,000, incurring an estimated cost of K280 million. This move is particularly beneficial for workers earning K769 per fortnight or less, providing a fortnightly savings of K63. This additional income can be utilised to ease household expenses, contributing to improved financial stability for affected families.

Para Aktivis Meminta Pemerintah Selandia Baru untuk Berbuat Lebih Banyak untuk Papua Barat

Pada tanggal 2 Desember 2023

Pemerintah Selandia Baru harus menghadapi Indonesia atas dugaan pelanggaran hak asasi manusia di Papua Barat, kata aktivis hak asasi manusia dan aktivis kemerdekaan Papua Barat di Aotearoa.

Dewan Hak Asasi Manusia PBB melaporkan situasi hak asasi manusia di Papua Barat memburuk, mengutip laporan penyiksaan dan pengungsian massal.

“Kami tahu kekerasan yang dialami rakyat West Papua semakin memburuk,” kata juru bicara Partai Hijau Golriz Ghahraman pada upacara pengibaran bendera Bintang Kejora di Auckland pada hari Jumat.

“Sudah jelas bahwa pemerintah Selandia Baru telah memprioritaskan hubungannya dengan negara yang lebih besar, Indonesia, di atas hak dan keselamatan warga West Papua… ini memalukan.

“Saya ingin melihat pemerintah kita mengatakan… akan melakukan divestasi dari pembelian barang dan kayu jika barang tersebut berasal dari Papua Barat, dan menggunakan semua forum internasional, baik di PBB atau dalam pembicaraan perdagangan langsung dengan Indonesia untuk mengangkat isu ini. hak-hak rakyat West Papua dan mendorong dekolonisasi."

Tanggal 1 Desember menandai hari bendera Bintang Kejora – bendera kemerdekaan Papua Barat – pertama kali dikibarkan pada tahun 1961 oleh para pemimpin asli Papua Barat. Upacara pengibaran bendera diadakan oleh aktivis di seluruh dunia untuk menandai acara tersebut.
Wilayah ini merupakan wilayah jajahan Indonesia sebelum jatuh ke tangan pemerintahan Indonesia pada tahun 1963. Sejak saat itu, gerakan kemerdekaan mengalami penindasan yang hebat dengan banyaknya laporan mengenai pembunuhan, intimidasi, dan penyiksaan.

“Selandia Baru tidak pernah mengambil sikap tegas terhadap penentuan nasib sendiri rakyat West Papua sejak Indonesia mengambil alih kekuasaan,” kata aktivis pro-kemerdekaan terkemuka Maire Leadbeater pada acara pengibaran bendera.

“Kami tidak akan pernah membiarkan pemerintah kami lupa bahwa mereka telah mengambil jalan yang salah sehubungan dengan Papua Barat.”

Di Indonesia, pengibaran bendera Bintang Kejora dilarang kecuali jika dikibarkan berdampingan dengan Bendera Indonesia dan pada ketinggian yang lebih rendah. Pada bulan September tahun lalu , tujuh orang ditangkap dan dipenjarakan di Papua Barat karena mengibarkan bendera.

“Rakyat Papua Barat yang mengekspresikan segala bentuk kemerdekaan atau penentuan nasib sendiri merupakan tindakan kriminal,” kata Ghahraman.

“Acara seperti ini penting untuk meningkatkan kesadaran akan situasi di Papua Barat… yang kami sampaikan adalah kami melihat Anda dan kami tahu hak-hak Anda dilanggar dengan kekerasan.

“Kami terus berbicara tentang Tiongkok, kami terus berbicara tentang Amerika Serikat dan bagaimana kami dapat mendukung sekutu negara adidaya kami, padahal sebenarnya hal tersebut adalah tentang meningkatkan suara masyarakat Pasifik seperti orang Papua Barat.”

Konflik bersenjata antara separatis Tentara Pembebasan Nasional Papua Barat (TPNPB) dan militer Indonesia baru-baru ini meningkat setelah penculikan pilot Selandia Baru Phillip Mehrtens pada bulan Februari tahun ini . Laporan dan rekaman pertempuran dirilis oleh kedua belah pihak.

Pacific Conference of Churches Support West Papua 1 December 2023

Romans 8: 16-21
The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory. I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God.

On the first of December 1969, the Morning Star was raised in the land of Tannah Papua. A Year later, the Indonesian Army invaded the land and placed a stranglehold on Papuans and the land. Today, the Pacific Conference of Churches, Fiji Council of Churches, Fiji Council Of Social Services (FCOSS), PIANGO Pacific 2030, Pacific Network on Globalisation, National Youth Council of FIji, Social Empowerment and Education Program- SEEP and other Civil Society representatives raised the morning star flag once again to commemorate the ongoing struggle for self-determination and freedom for our brothers and sisters in Tannah Papua. 

Rev Siera Bird, shares a reflection on the plight of West Papuan women especially, sharing a letter from Rode Wanimbo of the GIDI in West Papua who speaks to the hope that Pacific solidarity for freedom in West Papua is a beacon of hope for those in Tanah Papua. The reading from Romans Chapter 8 speaks to the hope for liberation that we find in Christ. 

As we continue to observe the 16 Days of Activism, we remember the unique violence that women and children face in the ongoing military occupation of Papua. The Pacific must stand up and speak out against the atrocities that are a lived reality for Papuans and reiterate the urgency with which we must work to end Indonesian Occupation of West Papua. 

From all corners of the Pacific, we shout #Merdeka! #MerdekaPapua! #Merdeka! #WestPapua #tannahpapua #FreeWestPapua

1 December 2023 Speech by ULMWP Provisional Government President Hon. Benny Wenda

Below is the speech that ULMWP Interim President Benny Wenda gave at Oxford Town Hall on December 1, 2023.

In the name of Yahweh, in the name of our ancestors, in the name of bones of suffering, and in the name of all generations to come, I would like to first say a minute’s silence for all the West Papuans, past and present, who have been killed in the course of the struggle. We mourn the ten Papuans who were massacred in February by the Indonesian military. We mourn the five teenagers murdered in Yahukimo in September, and the five civilians who were killed only days before that in Fakfak.

We also remember the brave fighters and heroes of the West Papuan struggle that we lost this year. I would like you to join me in a moment of silence for our flag raisers and all other West Papuans who have passed in 2023.


December 1st 1961 is West Papua’s Independence Day.

On this day 62 years ago, the New Guinea Council raised the Morning Star across West Papua for the first time. A new nation was being born. If Indonesia had not invaded our land, West Papua would have become the first independent Melanesian state – before Vanuatu, the Solomons, Fiji, or Papua New Guinea.

Our flag raising ceremony in 1961 was recognised by Australia, the UK, France, and the Netherlands, our former coloniser. Oxford is the rightful place to raise this flag, because the UK witnessed our original flag raising

Though our independence was stolen from us by Indonesia and the big powers, we continue to recognise and cherish 1961 as a symbol of our nation. As enshrined in our constitution, the ULMWP has always recognised all previous declarations as vital and historic moments in our struggle. This does not just include 1961, but also the OPM Independence Declaration 1971, the fourteen star declaration of West Melanesia in 1988, the Papuan People’s Congress in 2000, and the Third West Papuan Congress in 2011.

There is now a new addition to this list of milestones: the first ever ULMWP Congress, which was successfully held inside West Papua in November. Over 5000 West Papuans gathered in Jayapura to choose their leaders. Every man and woman who attended the Congress risked their lives and their freedom to defend their constitution and take ownership of their struggle.

I give my congratulations and thanks to the Congress Committee, Papuan People’s Forum, and every West Papuan who organised this historic event, particularly the landowners of the Tabi region who hosted it. The spirit of Theys Eluay, who was from the Tabi region, was present at this Congress. Thank you to our military wings, we will continue to work together to achieve our goal of a peaceful self-determination referendum. As expressed in the Congress Resolutions, we acknowledge and give thanks to the KNPB and the Alliance of Papuan Students as important elements of our fight for self-determination. I acknowledge all our affiliated organisations and all independent self-determination groups, including women’s groups and Indonesian solidarity organisations.

I was greatly honoured to have been chosen as President of the ULMWP at the Congress. Together with Prime Minister Edison Waromi, our cabinet, and seven regional Executives, we will work together according to our constitution to achieve our freedom. Our roadmap is clear and our three agendas have been endorsed by the people: A) full membership of the MSG, 😎 a UN High Commissioner for Human Rights visit to West Papua, and C) a resolution on West Papua at the UN General Assembly.

We have our mandate given through the Congress resolutions – the first popular mandate a ULMWP leader has ever received. With this Congress, we place the West Papuan struggle directly in the hands of the people. We are implementing democracy before we have achieved independence.

As ULMWP President, I endorse all the Resolutions passed by Congress, and reaffirm the existence of the ULMWP Constitution, Cabinet, and Government structure. I also confirm that our offices in West Papua, UK, Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, and Australia will continue to operate, with the help of our diplomatic support in those countries.

With our ULMWP government, our constitution, our cabinet and regional Executives, we are proving to the world that we are ready for independence. We are ready to govern our own affairs. We also have our Green State Vision, which was endorsed at our Congress, which will protect the rainforest that is currently being chopped and torn down by Indonesia.

This year has proven that West Papua has no future with Indonesia. The Indonesian military have steadily increased their military presence across our land. The effect of Indonesia’s military operations is to displace West Papuans and open the land to exploitation. According to Human Rights Defenders on the ground, over 77,000 people are still displaced, living in the forest or in refugee camps. When people are displaced, the military moves in, and Indonesia uses the opportunity to steal our resources. This is what is happening right now in Intan Jaya, with the Wabu Block gold mine.

As well as sadness, 2023 has also brought great progress for our movement. The pressure for a UN High Commissioner for Human Rights is growing and growing. Over 85 countries have called for the UN to be allowed access to West Papua, including the Pacific Islands Forum and the OACPS. This year, the Melanesian Spearhead Group released their own communique calling for the UN visit to happen by March 2024. Two Melanesian envoys, the Prime Ministers of Fiji and Papua New Guinea, have since been appointed to engage with Indonesia and find a solution.

On behalf of the West Papuan people, I want to give my thanks to all groups across the world who continue to advocate for our cause. To our affiliated solidarity groups in New Zealand, Australia, Vanuatu, Fiji, Micronesia, Polynesia, Europe and the US: thank you. I call on all our solidarity groups to respect and endorse the results of our Congress and our direct mandate from the people. The democratic right of the people of West Papua needs to be respected.

Thank you to the International Lawyers for West Papua and the International Parliamentarians for West Papua, and to our close friends in Catalonia and the Basque Country, and all our diplomatic allies. Thank you to UK Greens, Labour Party, Liberals and Conservatives, in our All-Party Parliamentary Group, for your consistent support. A special thank you to former Lord Mayor Craig Simons and Elise Benjamin, who under your leadership gave me the freedom of the City of Oxford. Thank you to the city of Oxford, who have always welcomed me and who raise the Morning Star flag every year. And thank you to the British government who allow me to freely lobby on behalf of my people.

Thank you to the people and government of Vanuatu, our Wantoks, who have always been our strongest supporters. Thank you to all religious leaders, and particularly the Pacific Council of Churches and the West Papua Council of Churches, for your constant support and prayers.

I offer my thanks to Prime Minister Rabuka of Fiji, Prime Minister Marape of Papua New Guinea, and to all Pacific and Melanesian leaders. The solidarity of our brothers and sisters in Melanesia is one of our strongest weapons. Without the support of our Melanesian family, our struggle cannot succeed.

Lastly, I want to thank everyone who contributes to our struggle through culture, particularly in the Pacific, whether you are a songwriter, an artist, or a rugby player. Indonesia bans our freedom song, but you help preserve our identity, our language, our culture. You are keeping alive the spirit of Arnold Ap, the cultural leader and musician who was murdered by Indonesia in 1984 just because he played West Papuan music and promoted West Papuan culture. While he was in prison before he was killed, he wrote these lyrics:

Yang kudamba yang kunanti, tiada lain hanya kebebasan – what I am longing for, what I am waiting for, nothing but freedom.

To all our supporters around the world, I ask you to continue to walk with us on our long road to freedom. Continue to be the voice of the voiceless people.

Finally, to all West Papuans, I ask that you defend your constitution and the ULMWP Provisional Government. This is your government, your constitution: the people have endorsed it, and the people can defend it. Do not bow down to any structure that is imposed from outside, or engage with Indonesian institutions. You have your own government, cabinet, and constitution, which has been mandated through the Congress. You can liberate yourselves and reclaim your sovereignty.

I call on every West Papua – whatever gender, tribe, age, or political affiliation, whether you are living in the cities, in the highlands, in prison, in exile, or as guerillas in the bush – to unite behind the ULMWP provisional government and our roadmap. We are one people, with one soul, one destiny. I am humbled to have been chosen to lead you, as we continue to work towards our freedom.

God bless West Papua. Papua Merdeka.

Benny Wenda
Interim President
United Liberation Movement for West Papua

West Papua independence leader Wenda elected ULMWP president

Benny Wenda, left, with the ULMWP interim prime minister Rev Edison Waromi at the 22 Melanesian Spearhead Group Leaders' Summit in Port Vila. 22 August 2023 Photo: RNZ Pacific / Kelvin Anthony

This week, the ULMWP held its first ever congress in Jayapura, which was attended by 5,000 indigenous West Papuans from all seven region.

The congress was called in response to the ULMWP leaders' summit in Port Vila, where the leaders announced that they had unilaterally dissolved the ULMWP provisional government, angering many.

"The ULMWP has officially restored the term "Provisional Government" which had been removed/removed through the unconstitutional process that took place at the ULMWP Summit-II in Port Vila, Vanuatu last month," UNMWP congress chairman-elect Buchtar Tabuni said.

At the meeting, Reverend Edison Waromi was elected as prime minister and Diaz Gwijangge, S. Sos as head of the Judiciary Council.

Tabuni said that the appointment of executive, legislative and judicial leadership as well as the formation of constitutional and adhoc bodies would be for a period of five years (2023-2028) as stipulated in the ULMWP Constitution.

Wenda, who is based in the United Kingdom, stepped down as ULMWP leader and Menase Tabuni was appointment as president.

Menase Tabuni's election was meant for ULMWP maintaining its presence and solidarity with the Papuan people on the ground.

"We must do this from within West Papua as well as campaigning in the international community," he said at the time.

Wenda said he was honoured to have been elected as the ULMWP president at this historic congress in Port Numbay.

He said he and Rev Waromi take their mandate from the people very seriously and together, they will continue to work to free their people.

"I have always represented the people of West Papua, but true representation comes from election.

"The people are demanding a choice, and we must listen," he said in a statement ahead of the election.

Source: RNZ

Free West Papua campaigners convene for inaugural meeting in Jayapura


The United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) is holding its first ever congress in Jayapura.

Five thousand West Papuans from all seven regions are in Port Numbay, Jayapura, for the three day gathering.

The congress was called in response to the ULMWP leaders' summit in Vanuatu, where the leaders announced that they had unilaterally dissolved the ULMWP provisional government, angering many.

Two groups within the ULMWP, the People's Forum and Congress Committee have issued a rejection of the decision, saying it was undertaken outside of the ULMWP constitution.

"The people consider that the leaders have violated the Constitution where leadership and constitutional bodies must be appointed and born through Congress, not the Summit," ULMWP Congress Committee said in a statement.

The ULMWP Congress chairman Bazooka Logo said "today (Monday) is the day when the momentum of the West Papuan people will determine who their leader will be who will lead the struggle for the independence of the West Papuan people [and] as well as the agenda of the Papuan people's struggle for independence."

"To all the participants [West Papuan people], this is an important moment that will really determine your future. For this reason, use your sovereign rights which are guaranteed constitutionally by the ULMWP in the ULMWP Constitution properly until the Congress is finished."

Both group also demand the right to elect their own leaders, as provided for by its provisional constitution, not have them rotated in and out of power.

The Congress will end with the announcement of the results of the ULMWP leadership election.

Source: RNZ

This Video Shows the Bloody Treatment of Malay Indonesian Army to Melanesians in West Papua

Today, November 20 2023, five thousand West Papuans from all seven regions gathered in Port Numbay

Today, November 20 2023, five thousand West Papuans from all seven regions gathered in Port Numbay, Jayapura to open the first ever ULMWP Congress. The Congress will conclude on November 23rd with an announcement of the results of the ULMWP Leadership election. 

The Congress has been held according to the demand of the people of West Papua, following a People’s Forum held on November 6-7th. The People’s Forum was organised in response to the ULMWP Leaders’ Summit, held in Port Vila in August, the results of which have proven controversial among the people. The People’s Forum and Congress Committee issued a rejection of decisions undertaken outside of the ULMWP constitution, in particular the Leaders’ announcement that they had unilaterally dissolved the ULMWP Provisional Government.  

The ULMWP Congress Committee states that, “The people consider that the leaders have violated the Constitution where leadership and constitutional bodies must be appointed and born through Congress, not the Summit.”  

There is a requirement for a ULMWP Congress to allow the people to elect their leaders contained in the ULMWP Provisional Constitution, which was adopted by consensus during the ULMWP’s Extraordinary Summit held in October 2020. The People’s Forum statement which triggered the Congress was signed and delivered by all seven ULMWP Regional Executives, representing the seven customary regions of West Papua.  

This Congress will be the first time that the West Papuan people have chosen their own leaders on West Papuan soil. Until now, the leadership of the ULMWP had been rotated between the three ULMWP factions. Benny Wenda has welcomed the Congress, stating that by electing their own leaders “West Papuans are demonstrating to the world that we are ready for statehood”. 

The first ULMWP Congress is now open and will close on 23 November with an announcement of the people’s decision.

Fiji’s ‘Rambo’ prime minister calls for Pacific to become ocean of peace

 UPDATED at 9:30 p.m. EDT on 2023-10-25

Fiji Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka speaks during an event at the New South Wales Waratahs rugby team headquarters in Sydney, Oct. 16, 2023.

Fiji’s prime minister and former coup leader has called for Pacific island nations to declare their ocean territories a “zone of peace” as the United States and China jostle for influence in the region. 

In a speech to Australia’s Lowy Institute, Sitiveni Rabuka light-heartedly referred to himself as a “Rambo” figure because of his leadership of two coups in Fiji in the late 1980s and acknowledged some people might have questions about him becoming an “apostle of peace.” 

The blunt-talking Rabuka said Pacific island countries are poor, aid-dependent and have carried little weight on the world stage, but control exclusive economic zones larger than North America and Europe combined, which gives them a right to be heard and recognized. 

“History may be calling. It might be our manifest duty, destiny – to carry banners for peace and speak out for harmony in our time and forever,” he said in Canberra on Tuesday.

Rabuka is on an official visit to Australia and met with Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese on Wednesday, who said Australia would sell 14 Bushmaster armored vehicles to Fiji for the country’s use in U.N. peacekeeping missions. 

On Thursday, the two countries agreed to cooperate on addressing cybersecurity threats and Fiji said it would become part of Australia’s e-visa pilot program.

Rabuka said he would push his peace zone idea at the 18-nation Pacific Islands Forum meeting next month in the Cook Islands and hoped member nations would back it.

Rabuka, however, has been at odds with the positions of some Pacific island leaders by backing Australia’s plan to arm itself with nuclear-powered submarines and supporting what he called the science-based view that the release into the Pacific Ocean of treated wastewater from Japan’s tsunami-damaged Fukushima nuclear plant is safe.

The peace zone could contribute, he said, to addressing the “complex West Papua question” – the conflict between Indonesia and its Papuan provinces, where an armed independence insurgency has continued for decades – or managing tribal conflicts in neighboring Papua New Guinea with the help of Fiji’s U.N. peacekeepers.

“These are just some of the initial thoughts. Extensive discussion and negotiations will be required with many stakeholders if the project for peace is to happen,” he said. 

Fiji Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka (right) looks on as Pat Conroy, Australia’s minister for international development and the Pacific, speaks during an event at the New South Wales Waratahs rugby team headquarters in Sydney, Oct. 16, 2023. [Saeed Khan/AFP]

Rabuka became prime minister in December after opposition parties won a majority of votes in a national election, ending 16 years of rule by Frank Bainimarama – who first came to power in a 2006 coup – and his Fiji First Party.

Rabuka has apologized for his coups, which sought to reassert indigenous Fijian political and economic power but also unleashed violence against Indo-Fijians, who are the descendants of indentured Indian laborers brought to Fiji by the British in the late 19th century. 

As part of Rabuka’s efforts to create a legacy that is broader than his coups, one of his government’s early moves was the abolition of a Bainimarama-era media law that chilled political debate and freedom of expression.

“Some of you know, I have repented, I am reborn. My past cannot be removed but I can compensate to some extent for what I have done,” he said. “Many years ago I became a convinced democrat.” 

Fiji’s ties with China burgeoned after Australia, New Zealand and other nations attempted to punish the Pacific island country for its 2006 coup, aiding Beijing’s broader push for influence in the Pacific. 

Relations have cooled under Rabuka who put a police cooperation agreement with China under review. In his Lowy speech, Rabuka said Fiji continued to value its relationship with the world’s No. 2 economy even as its rivalry with the U.S. appeared to be intensifying.

Without naming any country, he said Fiji was grateful for the aid it received provided the country doesn’t become entrapped by it.

“Unfortunately some aid donors expect us to be compliant, to submit to their demands, so we have to be very, very careful,” he said. 

This report has been updated to replace the main photo.


RAROTONGA, COOK ISLANDS (15 November 2023): A Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) Leaders’ caucus was held at the Nautilus Resort in Rarotonga, Cook Islands, on Monday 6 November 2023, as part of the Group’s preparations for the 52nd Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting (PIFLM).

The MSG Caucus meeting was Chaired by the Hon. Ralph Regenvanu, Minister for Environment and Climate Change on behalf of the Prime Minister of Vanuatu and Chair of the MSG.

In attendance at the MSG Caucus meeting was Hon. Sitiveni Rabuka, Prime Minister of Fiji; Hon. John Rosso, Deputy Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea; and Hon. Jeremiah Manele, Foreign Minister of Solomon Islands, all deputizing for their respective Heads of Government. 

The caucus expressed appreciation to the Cook Islands Government Organising Committee and the PIF Secretariat for providing the space in the 52nd PIF Leaders Meeting Programme for the MSG to meet.

The Director General of the MSG Secretariat, Leonard Louma, noted that this was the first time for PIF to formally assign a timing within the PIF Leaders Meeting for MSG to caucus and urged MSG to take advantage of this opportunity. He expressed hope that this gesture be regularized and mainstreamed into the format of PIF Leaders Meetings.

The Chairman, Hon. Ralph Regenvanu, emphasized the importance for MSG Members to caucus as MSG before PIF Leaders Meetings, as well as at other international meetings, to develop and agree on common positions and strategies. 

On the issue of West Papua and the visit of the UN High Commissioner on Human Rights to West Papua and the Papuan Provinces, the proposal by Prime Minister Hon. Sitiveni Rabuka for a “Special Envoy or Emissary” was agreed to and on the suggestion of Papua New Guinea, approved for PM Rabuka and Prime Minister, Hon. James Marape to be the MSG designated representatives to meet with President Widodo on the margins of the APEC Leaders Meeting in San Fransisco.

It was agreed that a letter be written to President Widodo asking for a dialogue meeting with Prime Ministers Rabuka and Marape in San Fransisco. 

With regards to the ICJ Advisory Opinion on the responsibility of States regarding Climate Change, the MSG Caucus meeting was informed that the ICJ has granted the MSG Secretariat standing to make a Submission on the Question of the Obligations of States in Respect of Climate Change to the Court and that the MSG can make written comments on other written Submissions by other countries and organisations by 22 April 2024.

The MSG Caucus meeting however noted that the PIF Secretariat’s own participation in the advisory proceedings of the ICJ is yet to be formalized.

In relation to the Port Vila Call For A Just Transition To A Fossil Fuel Free Pacific, it was noted that the Udaune Declaration on Climate Change embodies the general position of the MSG Members with respect to Climate Change. The Port Vila Call for a Just Transition to a Fossil fuel Free Pacific (Port Vila Call) was acknowledged to be consistent with the Pacific countries calls for more ambitious actions and targets in the NDC’s and is aimed at limiting temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius below the pre-industrial levels.   

It was noted that MSG sought support for this Port Vila Call at the FOC meeting in September and received support in a very carefully worded decision that does not explicitly endorse the Port Vila Call but welcomes the aspirations of the Port Vila Call for a Just Transition to a Fossil Fuel Free Pacific.

Leaders agreed to raise this at the Retreat for an explicit endorsement by PIF Leaders of the Port Vila Call for a Just transition to a Fossil Fuel Free Pacific. 

In relation to the Security Environment in the Region, it was noted that while regional traditional powers have made concerted efforts to have countries in the region choose sides in the big power contestation for influence in our region, the Efate Declaration on Mutual Respect, Responsibility, Cooperation and Amity or Efate Security Declaration clearly and appropriately outlines the position of MSG countries. 

Prime Minister Rabuka announced his intention to introduce a proposal for a Zone of Peace to enhance peace and security in the region. In support of this, the MSG Caucus meeting noted that this was consistent with principles espoused in the Efate Security Declaration, which basically reaffirms that climate change and the security of the environment remain our existential threat and focus of attention by Pacific countries should be on this. It affirms the sovereign rights of MSG Members to choose to engage with whoever they consider is appropriate on the basis of their respective security needs and concerns. Furthermore, the Efate Declaration defines principles of conduct that stakeholders must abide by when operating in the MSG area and MSG national jurisdictions.  

As well, the MSG Caucus meeting was reminded that the MSG has an MSG Security Strategy (MSGSS), whose key features relate to the advancement of MSG home-grown and self-help security initiatives such as the Memorandum on Police Cooperation, the Humanitarian and Emergency Response Coordinating Centre (HERCC) concept, and the Formed Police Unit (FPU). It was suggested that the PIF be encouraged to formally call on all powers to refrain from trying to engage in a proxy competition in the region.

On the Fukushima Advanced Liquid Processing System (ALPS) Nuclear Treated Waste Water Discharge into the Pacific Ocean, it was decided that MSG would advocate for the PIF to ensure that the proposed elevated dialogue mechanism with the PIF and the IAEA be established quickly, and a permanent monitoring presence of IAEA at Fukushima be activated soonest.

There was also agreement to ensure that the Fukushima issue is embedded as a standing item of the PALM agenda and that MSG would advocate for IAEA and the Japanese Authorities to help build national scientific capacities to effectively monitor the safety and effects of the ALPS discharge into the Pacific Ocean.

The acceptance and recognition of the principle of respect for the sovereignty of MSG individual members to determine their own National Government positions on this matter, was further affirmed by the MSG Caucus meeting.    

With respect to the MSG Secretariat Membership of the Council of Regional Organisations of the Pacific (CROP), the MSG Caucus meeting again acknowledged that there was a real need for PIF to resolve the request by the MSG Secretariat to become a member of CROP given the importance of better coordinating efforts, and optimizing synergies, amongst regional organisations, in supporting PIF’s activities in prosecuting Pacific Regionalism and the implementation of the 2050 Strategy of the Blue Pacific Continent.    

With regards to Vanuatu’s Bid to Host the PIFLM in 2030, the MSG Caucus Meeting noted that while MSG Leaders at their August Summit approved to support Vanuatu’s bid, the PIF FOC, on the other hand, simply noted Vanuatu’s interest to host the PIF Leaders Meeting in 2030.

The MSG Caucus Meeting noted that Vanuatu was deprived of the opportunity to host the PIFLM due to COVID-19 and reaffirmed approval for MSG to support Vanuatu’s bid to host the PIF Leaders Meeting in 2030, to coincide with Vanuatu’s Golden Jubilee and mark the ending of the National Sustainable Development Plan (People’s Plan). 

All the issues covered and agreed upon at the MSG caucus meeting would better place MSG to influence decisions on shared interests on meetings such as the 52nd PIFLM.


San Francisco 16 November 2023- High level Summits like the APEC Summit in San Francisco present opportunities to meet and hold bilateral, trilateral or multilateral talks for participants and today was no exception. 

The Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka and his Papua New Guinea counterpart Hon. James Marape engaged in a dialogue with the Indonesian President, His Excellency Joko Widodo, expressing the countries' respect for "state sovereignity". 

This meeting marked the first trilateral dialogue among the leaders following the appointment of Prime Minister Rabuka and Prime Minister Marape as the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) special envoys to Indonesia. 

Given that Indonesia is an important partner for the Pacific Island countries with geographic and ethnic ties to the MSG, the meeting was crucial to foster genuine dialogue at the level of the heads of government. 

The Indonesian President has extended an invitation to the two Prime Ministers to visit his country, as part of efforts to further strengthen diplomatic relations.

 #FijiGovernment #FijiNews

Prime Minister Rabuka selected as Melanesian Spearhead Group Special Envoy to Address West Papua Issue

The Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) has appointed Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka and Prime Minister James Marape of Papua New Guinea (PNG) as special envoys to Indonesia. 

Their mandate is to meet with the President of Indonesia to discuss the pressing issue of West Papua.

This significant development emerged from today's MSG Caucus meeting, during which Prime Minister Rabuka proposed sending a representative to Indonesia to facilitate dialogue on the West Papua situation. 

He emphasised that these efforts are an extension of his ongoing work to nurture the concept of the Pacific as a zone of peace.
"The idea of the Pacific as a zone of peace aligns with my campaign motto of "let love shine," a vision rooted in promoting unity and harmony in Fiji. I saw that my country had become contentious."

Prime Minister Rabuka believes that this initiative is a crucial step forward.
The MSG Caucus reached a consensus that sending a ministerial envoy, as opposed to a bureaucratic-level envoy, would be the most effective approach to addressing the West Papua issue. 

This decision complements the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) Leaders' 2019 resolution, which called for the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to conduct a mission to West Papua and the Papuan Provinces.

In earlier discussions at the MSG Leaders Meeting, it was agreed that the most appropriate forum for addressing human rights matters is the United Nations, specifically through the UN Human Rights Council. 

This aligns with the position of PIF Member States, which also reaffirm Indonesia's sovereignty over West Papua.

The MSG has actively pursued the implementation of PIF Leaders' 2019 decision to allow the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to conduct a mission to West Papua and the Papuan Provinces. 
The MSG remains committed to finding a peaceful and diplomatic resolution to the West Papua issue and looks forward to engaging in meaningful discussions with Indonesia to address this pressing concern.

Oridek Ap: Oom Peter.- R.I.P. Peter Kafiar

We have lost an elder, Bpk Peter Kafiar.

He left all friends and family behind in West Papua to look for knowledge and a better future for his people. He has been living in the Netherlands since early '60s. He was a member of the National Liberation Council (NLC).
Since 2002 he was a supporter and adviser of the Free West Papua Campaign (NL).
He was a man of few words, but always willing to help when asked for his advise.
We will miss his physical presence, but know that he will join our Legion of Fallen Heroes. We will carry his name in our hearts and struggle on.
Dear Uncle Peter,
Thank you very much for your love and patience. I can still remember the day we arrived in the Netherlands (I was 9 years old), you and aunty Adri gave us shelter and a safe home in the Hague. You spoiled me and my siblings with hot cholate milk during the cold dutch winter. And was always very patient, you knew that Indonesia killed our father so you wanted to give us love and a safe home..
Few weeks ago, you already said goodbye, you cried and held my hand tightly. No words, I looked in your eyes and understood what you wanted to say. I said 'Het komt goed', don't worry everything is going to be alright, we will struggle on.
Your last firm handshake before I left for Melanesia. I knew you was already preparing for your journey.
Kasumasa nabor kaku, Thank you very much for your Fighting Spirit.
Araaa......Marandan bebye Imem.
On behalf of Arnold C. Ap family and
Free West Papua Campaign (NL) family.
Oridek Ap

Google Doodle celebrates Indonesia's sago porridge ‘Babur Sagu’

Google Doodle on Friday celebrated Papeda or Bubur Sagu, a delicious sago porridge that’s a staple in Eastern Indonesia and has gained popularity all over the world.

As per the description, on this day in 2015, Papeda was publicly declared an ‘Indonesian Intangible Cultural Heritage’.

“Millions of sago palm trees veil the islands of Indonesia, and each year locals harvest it with the intention of exporting to other countries or for cooking —like making papeda. One sago tree can produce nearly 150 to 300 kilograms of sago starch!"

This crop not only offers a well-rounded array of nutrients such as protein, carbohydrates, calcium, and iron but also holds significant cultural importance to the communities throughout Indonesia that have relied on it for generations. 
Sago continues to play a vital role in various Papuan and Moluccan rituals and ceremonies, such as the Watani Kame, which commemorates the conclusion of an individual's life cycle.

How to make Papuan?

Once you've extracted the flour-like substance from the trees, mix it with boiling water and stir until it reaches the desired thickness. Enhance the flavor by adding turmeric, basil, lemongrass, and salam leaves. To make it even more delicious and nutritious, you can incorporate your favorite fish. This results in a truly delectable and nourishing dish, one of Indonesia's renowned culinary delights

Vanuatu's 27th PM Calls for Political Stability

By Doddy Morris

The newly elected Prime Minister (PM) of Vanuatu, Charlot Salwai, said the system of changing the Government regularly does not help the country in terms of development.

Mr. Salwai, who became Vanuatu’s 27th PM yesterday, stated this during his official speech at the Parliament House in Port Vila after defeating the former PM, Sato Kilman in a motion of no confidence.

He went on to say that the system of changing the Government regularly will not attract new potential investor to Vanuatu and is not assuring the citizens of Vanuatu since there is no stability and continuity on the policies.

“We all know that Vanuatu is facing various challenges, including natural disasters such as climate change-related issues, economic and social challenges affecting our citizens, including challenges in the private sector, and last but not least, political instability,” PM Salwai said.

“It is less than 12 months since the establishment of Mr. Ishmael Kalsakau’s government after the October 2022 snap elections. Today marks the second time that we, as a nation, have changed a government.

“I apologise to the previous government, but we find ourselves in a democratic system where the composition of Parliament can change, and the government must adapt accordingly,” the newly elected PM stated.

He continues to state that one of the main responsibilities of the government he leads is to find, together with the opposition, legal solutions to address political instability, any government that achieves an “absolute majority” should not assume that the country will automatically adopt a system of political stability.

“Vanuatu, in the past years under successive governments, has adopted many good policies such as the National Sustainable Development Plan (NSDP) followed by each government ministry.

“We know that the government must address issues such as infrastructure, transportation, sea and air transportation, the national airline, utilities like telecommunications, energy, and water, education accessibility, and various issues concerning private sector growth and the legal vacuum within the public administration system. These issues require urgent attention,” the PM stated.

“A government with good policies must not fall into the trap of concentrating solely on programs that are hindered by slow progress due to civil servant inefficiency. An example is the recovery projects after natural disasters like cyclones or volcanic eruptions, which the people expect the government to deliver efficiently. People may blame the government for not doing its job, but in reality, the power to execute tasks lies in the hands of civil servants. However, when a government is concerned about its survival, it may not have the time to push its workers to perform.

“The government also needs to come up with new policies in response to the rapid global changes. This government will put a strong emphasis on foreign policy, something Vanuatu has not had since 1980. There are many opportunities out there for Vanuatu to capitalise on, but we must have the right policies in place to benefit from these opportunities.”

He announced that within two weeks’ time, his government will publish all the priority action programs which they will be working with during his term.

“I address you today as the head of Government, and we must take political instability seriously. We have a draft bill that is ready for review to suit the political environment of Vanuatu. Vanuatu’s rules must allow for different governments, but there are times when we need to have stability.

“I also appeal to the Head of State, the Chiefs of Malvatumauri Council of Chiefs, and the Church leaders through the Vanuatu Christian Council to support the government in its efforts to achieve political stability,” the PM said.

Mr. Salwai is serving as the PM of the Republic of Vanuatu for the second time. He was elected as the 23rd PM of Vanuatu on the 2nd of February in 2016 and served for four years till 20th of April 2020.

He had also served as an MP in the 7th Legislature from 2002 to 2004, 8th Legislature from 2004 to 2008, 9th Legislature from 2008 to 2012, 10th Legislature from 2012 to 2015, 11th legislature from 2016 to 2020 and the 13th legislature from 2020 to October 2022.

The newly elected government did not manage to appoint a Deputy PM (DPM) yesterday. PM Salwai stated that they will be meeting soon to appoint one.