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[New post] Rice growing trials prove successful; Public servants get training in auditing for greater accountability bobmakin posted: " The Agriculture Department now sees huge potential for rice growing in Vanuatu after considerable direct assistance from China and a series of trials. And this result has been achieved despite a series of past failures reaching back into the 'Seve" Respond to this post by replying above this line New post on Vanuatu Daily Digest Rice growing trials prove successful; Public servants get training in auditing for greater accountability by bobmakin Read more of this post bobmakin | June 1, 2016 at 5:07 pm | Tags: agriculture, EU, New Zealand, police, public service, rice, tourism, Vanuatu | Categories: The Daily Digest | URL: Comment    See all comments Unsubscribe to no longer receive posts from Vanuatu Daily Digest. Change your email settings at Manage Subscriptions. Trouble clicking? Copy and paste this URL into your browser: Thanks for flying with

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