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[New post] President Lonsdale farewelled on streets of Port Vila—and around the world Vanuatu Digest posted: " The Heads of States of Australia, Fiji and New Zealand came in person to farewell President Lonsdale. The passing of Vanuatu's Head of State has also been marked around the world over the last few days. Here's just a few examples: In Sydney" Respond to this post by replying above this line New post on Vanuatu Digest President Lonsdale farewelled on streets of Port Vila—and around the world by Vanuatu Digest Throngs of mourners turn out on Port Vila's main street to farewell President Baldwin Lonsdale. Photo: Vanuatu Daily Post Motlap chiefs from President Lonsdale's home island of Motalava pay their respects to his casket. Photo: Holy Bule/Facebook President Lonsdale's casket is carried by Vanuatu Mobile Force members to a plane for his final journey home to Motalava. Photo: Twitter/@raetlomi The Heads of States of Australia, Fiji and New Zealand came in person to farewell President Lonsdale. The passing of Vanuatu's Head of State has also been marked around the world over the last few days. Here's just a few examples: In Sydney, Australia: Flags on #Sydney Harbour Bridge at half mast out of respect of the passing of HE Womtelo Reverend Baldwin Lonsdale, President of #Vanuatu. — Greg Colton (@colton_gregoryj) June 21, 2017 In Perth, Australia: Read more of this post Vanuatu Digest | June 21, 2017 at 10:24 pm | Tags: diplomacy, President, Vanuatu | Categories: Photo, The Daily Digest | URL: Comment    See all comments Unsubscribe to no longer receive posts from Vanuatu Digest. Change your email settings at Manage Subscriptions. Trouble clicking? Copy and paste this URL into your browser: Thanks for flying with

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