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Gildipasi Madang Province Papua New Guinea

In thi a note to acknowledge my introduction TO GILDIPASI,  a community based organisation (CBO) nearby Madang Town of Papua New Guinea (PNG).

This is the first time for me personally enter a man's house in PNG, greeted by elders in the "hausman" as we call it.

I have two other colleagues with me, one Canadian another Australian. We were greeted with traditional dance and then taken to man's house.

We were then taken to man's house, stepped in with traditional dance, presented young coconut and Beatle nuts and then talks began.

As usual in our Melanesian culture, each elder spoke in turns according to their roles and functions. One elder talked about the dance and the meaning of such welcome..Another elder explained about why  and how Gildipasi was set up some 40 years ago.

As Community Based Organisation (CBO),  Gildipasi has played important roles at times I. strengthening the ties among the people, in protecting the nature and in developing the villages of Ward 4 and Ward 5.

In turn three of us were also allowed to speak about who we are and what brought us to this place at this time.

For me this is the first time ever to enter a custom house in Papua New Guinea and greeted with custom dance.

I introduced myself as a Bogia tribesman and asked them to support my work

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