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Sad but REAL: Richest in Resources but Not Richest Country in Oceania

Why PNG is not amongst the richest countries in Oceania although endowed with vastness of resources. The top 10 richest countries in Oceania are;

1. Australia
2. New Zealand
3. Palau
4. Marshall Islands
5. Tonga
6. Federated States of Micronesia
7. Kiribati
8. Samoa
9. Nauru
10. Fiji
Now look at PNG's profile. What we have and enjoyed, they don't but we are not included on the list. Lets see who PNG is;
1. 11th largest producer of LNG
2. 20th biggest supplier of Gold
3. 18th biggest coffee producer
4. 12th biggest cocoa producer
5. 7th largest Palm oil producer
6. 7th largest copra producer
7. 5th largest vanilla producer
8. 2nd largest exporter of Round Logs
9. Supplies 25% of world Tuna fish
10. 3rd largest rainforest
11. Tropical wilderness and ecological goldmines that contains 5% of the world's diversity in less than 1% of the worlds total land area
12.With 8 operational mines
After 46 years, shy is PNG not advancing forward?
We are practically living off borrowed money , independent BUT still DEPENDENT .
Picture captioned : OK Tedi Mine Pit

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