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Association supports governor’s commitment to develop coffee sector

EASTERN Highlands Governor Simon Sia’s commitment to develop the coffee industry is a step in the right direction, according to the Farmers and Settlers Association.

Association president Wilson Thompson said now was the time to see results in the industry. “The K10 million for the coffee industry and one million seedlings starting next year is good,” Thompson said.

“The governor would need a small committee comprising the Department of Agriculture and Livestock, Coffee Industry Corporation, division of primary industries, Office of the (Eastern Highlands) Governor and two independent representatives to manage the programme.”
He said the coffee ministry should clarify:

  • STRATEGIES and action plan to increase production and productivity in each province;
  • ACTION plan on coffee rust and coffee berry borer; and,
  • EXPLANATION on the collection and use of research and extension levy for decades including its financial and annual reports that is not presented for decades. “We need a small committee to deal with the programme and implementation.

Otherwise, we might have another scam like price support, coffee development proposals and Rumbia Coffee again,” Thompson said

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