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[New post] Election results out on Monday; Chief Justice says 2015 a pivotal year for Vanuatu legal system bobmakin posted: " The Chief Justice, Vincent Lunabek, in the presence of the Head of State, President Baldwin Lonsdale, caretaker PM Kilman and members of the judicial and legal professions, yesterday saw 2015 as an important historical year. The Chief Justice saw 2015" Respond to this post by replying above this line New post on Vanuatu Daily Digest Election results out on Monday; Chief Justice says 2015 a pivotal year for Vanuatu legal system by bobmakin President Lonsdale inspects guard of honour yesterday. Photo: Bob Makin The Chief Justice, Vincent Lunabek, in the presence of the Head of State, President Baldwin Lonsdale, caretaker PM Kilman and members of the judicial and legal professions, yesterday saw 2015 as an important historical year. The Chief Justice saw 2015 as "important for the law and the Courts in this Republic." He invited his hearers to reflect on the impact of the law on the community, and on the roles of the Judiciary and the legal profession within it. He said "Vanuatu society puts important value on the concept of the rule of law as a cornerstone or pillar in our community. It is important to understand Vanuatu's legal system and how justice is administered. I say that because, conceptually, this is after all the purpose of the law. Vanuatu's legal system is mainly based on the common law, some aspects of French law and judicially-declared custom law. Fairness, transparency and access to justice are also fundamental characteristics of Vanuatu's legal system. The law is there to facilitate the well-being of the people of Vanuatu and society. It is not to be seen as somehow obstructing them." A lengthy and important policy statement Read more of this post bobmakin | January 30, 2016 at 2:49 pm | Tags: 2016 General Election, health, judiciary, law, politics, Vanuatu, Vincent Lunabek | Categories: The Daily Digest | URL: Comment    See all comments Unsubscribe to no longer receive posts from Vanuatu Daily Digest. Change your email settings at Manage Subscriptions. Trouble clicking? Copy and paste this URL into your browser: Thanks for flying with

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