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Walk for Life and Yoga Program by NCD Governor

Post below by Lady Carol Kidu on PNG TTG forum 7 tonight, 17/06/2020 regards 

I would like to clarify that the original Walk for Life was initiated by the Sir Buri Kidu Heart Institute and was the main fundraising and awareness activity for many years. I have never understood how it became a product of the yoga consultant. Perhaps it should be known that the founders of the Walk for Life concept were Prof Sir Isi Kevau, Sir John Dawanicura, Lady Stella Chan, Justice Maurice Sheehan and his wife Jan, Dr Richard Pickworth and Sandra Pickworth, myself plus many other volunteers. None of us were paid to organise this annual event that helped establish the SBKHeart Institute. 

I do not know how the highly paid yoga consultant appropriated the name and the concept. But I take this opportunity to clarify that the Walk For Life was NOT started by the yoga lady and she and the Governor should have at least had the creativity to invent a different name.
Sincerely Carol Kidu.

We did it for a greater good and did not register it as a trade name but the SBKHI Walk For Life was an annual event for many years from the late 1990s and the corporate sector sponsored teams of walkers to raise funds for SBKHI.

Thanks for the opportunity to clarify somwthing that has annoyed me for a long time!!!! Such an event does NOT and should NOT need public funds .

Lady Carol Kidu

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