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#PNGNews: One of the last surviving forefathers of PNG has passed.

#PNGNews: One of the last surviving forefathers of PNG has passed.

Member for Maprik and Minister for Agriculture John Simon today confirmed the passing of Sir Pita Lus. 

Sir Pita's last public appearance was at the Independence celebration in Maprik Town on September 16th. 

The occasion also celebrated his life. 

Prime Minister James Marape had personally attended the event to thank Sir Pita for his contribution to PNG. 

Sir Pita's short and simple message on that day, was for Papua New Guineans to stop all forms of violence and put God first. 

He joined the political scene in the 1960s and is famously known for encouraging Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare to join politics. 

Sir Pita was born in 1936 and shares the same birth date with PNG's Independence.

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