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The head of police in the National Capital District and Central Command has said that police will investigate and arrest everyone involved in the torture of an elderly woman accused of practising sorcery. 

Assistant Commissioner Anthony Wagambie Jnr said this happened at the Konedobu suburb over the weekend. 

He said the woman from Chimbu Province was accused of practicing sorcery on her son resulting in his death. 

ACP Wagambie Jnr said the woman was allegedly locked up and beaten for more than two days. 

He said a non governmental organization Tribal Foundation learnt of her situation and alerted police who then rescued the woman.

ACP Wagambie Jnr said Port Moresby is a metropolitan area and such beliefs should not be allowed to go unpunished by law enforcement agencies.

He said there is now an urgent need for all law enforcement agencies to carry out massive awareness on sorcery related violence and killings and educate people about the law in regards to this.

NBC News

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