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All Pacific Island leaders will be arriving today, for the Forum for India-Pacific Islands Cooperation summit or FIPIC.

The summit will be held tomorrow Monday 22nd May in Port Moresby.

PNG and India are co-hosting the summit, which was last held in India in 2015.

It is part of India’s Act East Policy, where much of its engagements with Pacific countries, is through development assistance under the south – south cooperation. 

Fiji had a head start with Prime Minister Rabuka arriving for a state visit on Thursday, Tuvalu on Friday and Palau and Micronesia earlier this morning.

The other Island nations, Tonga, Nauru, Mashall Islands, Solomon Island, Vanuatu, Niue, Kiribati, and New Caledonia will all arrive later today.

Among those who will be arriving today, is the first Female Prime Minister for Samoa, Fiame Naomi Mata'afa this evening at 6pm.

Pic: Palau President - His Excellency Suranges Whipps Jnr (Blue Shirt) being escorted to his vehicle, upon arrival at the Jackson Airport - Port Moresby.

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