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West Papua - International Opinion: What Is It?

Chagos Island and West Papua.

 Britain has been pushed to decide on the future of its colonial possession in the Indian Ocean. It is 21st Century, today.

Read, here:

There is a growing international consensus that Britain should complete the process of decolonisation immediately.

Indonesia has a problem as to the definition of West Papua. There is pressure from the international community, and system, for Indonesia to complete the decolonisation process.

It is pursuing a strategy to continue with its illegal claim to sovereignty over West Papua:

(1) the independence movement through diplomatic option led by United Liberation Movement for West Papua, and internationalisation of the West Papua issue, is now labelled as terrorist; and,

(2) Special Autonomy is extended after the initial period ends this year, 2021.

MSG has the support of the people of West Papua through ULMWP to compel the international community to pressure  the final outcome on West Papua.

Indonesia needs to complete the decolonisation process of self government and determination in West Papua.

PNG has acceded to the UN protocol on Responsibility To Protect Doctrine Chapter 1 and 2.

In 2014, Prime Minister Peter O'Neill announced the change in strategy by PNG on West Papua.

Read, here:

PNG would respond to the aspirations of people of West Papua to be free. The international best practice will define how the government addresses the question of independence for West Papua.

We thank the Member for Ialibu/Pangia. He was the first PNG Prime Minister ever since independence to announce publicly the way forward on West Papua.

Read, here:

MSG will consider West Papua's application for full membership to the sub regional political grouping in the course of the near future.

 This is a critical part of the move by United Liberation Movement for West Papua or ULMWP which represents pro - independence indigenous Papuans inside West Papua and in the diaspora in PNG, and abroad, to put the case for decolonisation and state formation for West. Papua to the international community.

We call on MSG to push the issue. The impetus at the regional level of the international system ensures the process is reinforced as the West Papua issue is progressed to the UN General Assembly for resolution.

MSG full membership for West Papua, please!

(Photo caption: PNG's Prime Ministers - since independence, the country's 7th prime minister Peter O'Neill became the first to define the way forward on the struggle by West Papua to be free; West Papua - it is long past time to demand freedom, the ' frozen conflict' is traced to the Cold War when a deal was struck between the West, including US, the Dutch, Indonesia, and the UN to stop West Papua from being decolonised in order to confront communism and its spread to Australia; State formation for West Papua - the exercise continues today, underground, but MSG has stepped up to progress the West Papua issue; PNG foreign policy on West Papua - Ialibu/Pangia MP Peter Oneill defined the contours so far, the details to come; PNC - it is time to return to office in 2022 to complete the sentence on West Papua as a matter of national interest?; 2022 NGE - Peter O'Neill has with him possibly winning candidates running for office, Nuku Open is one, Emmanuel Nassam is 2 X runner up, rubbing shoulders with the ' father of modern infrastructure in PNG' himself)

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