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Media Statement 
13 August 2022

James Marape in his inauguration address as Prime Minister in the 11th National Parliament yesterday, 9 August anchored his statement on the remarks he made in Parliament on May 30, 2019.

PM Marape said, “I want Papua New Guinea in the next decade to be a K200 billion economy. I wanted Papua New Guinea to be the Richest Black Christian Nation on Earth.”

The PM emphasized that his statement recognized that Papua New Guinea’s political forebears ushered in political independence in 1975.

He said they crafted legislations, built institutions, wrote policies and established relationships to deliver us political independence.

Marape says, “This generation of leaders must deliver economic independence to Papua New Guinea. That PANGU has secured the mandate from Papua New Guinea can only mean that our people in the length and breadth of this country support this intention.”

He reiterated that his government is consistent with Vision 2050 on the development phases of the country to be smart, wise, fair, healthy, and a happy society by 2050.

“It aligns nicely in that we are called to deliver economic enablers to fast-track development. Fast-track we must, as we do not have the luxury of time to wait around for things to happen at their pace,” said PM Marape.

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