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Thursday 18 July 2024 – Member for Hiri-Koiari Hon. Keith Iduhu has cautioned the Government not to give false hope to the evicted illegal settlers of the 9- mile bushwara.

Mr Iduhu said this in light of Prime Minister James Marape announcing that he has given instructions to the Minister for Lands and the Member for Moresby Northeast to look for solutions for the settlers. Mr Iduhu said: “The grand proclamation and promise by the PM is counterproductive and purely political point scoring. 
Although I have been suggesting and advocating for proper land formalisation policy, it appears that ad hoc promises take precedence over long-term solutions.

“Hiri-Koiari and Central Province continues to be subjected to the encroachment and expansion of Port Moresby and the spill over of illegal settlers.

“I concur with the sentiments of Central Governor Hon. Rufina Peter who has urged commonsense and a zero tolerance stance against illegal settlers.

“While we sympathise with the hardship being faced by those evicted, we must also
be responsible with our statements and responses to this situation. The onus is now on the government to apply proper land and housing policy to this situation and not dish out promises.

“The government must provide proper housing for its citizens. We must PLAN and not PROMISE. We experience so many issues with living standards because we are letting our people become city planners, electricians, water suppliers and road constructors.
“The people of bushwara have been given promises thus far. 

And the promise land
for illegal settlers always seems to be Central Province and Hiri-Koiari. It is time the lands of provinces and districts be respected and not be subjected to state sanctioned land grabbing.”

Mr Iduhu also urged the people of Koiari not to cheaply and illegally give away land in the hopes for quick money.

“We have seen the damage caused in both long and short term due to the illegal sale of land. The social issues that come with urban drift, the increase in crime and social disorder, and the lack of services because of overpopulation.

“I urge our people of Koiari not to give in to land deals that will only cause more problems down the line. Let’s develop the land, invest in the future and see a return on these investments,” Mr Iduhu said.


Approved for Release:
Shadow Attorney General and Minister of Justice | Trade and Commerce | Administrative Services

Member for Hiri-Koiari

All independence day stalls sold out

All 100 stalls for the main Independence Day celebration in Port Vila have been sold out shortly after the prices were announced.

A total of 70 food stalls were sold at VT40,000 each, and 30 kava stalls sold at VT50,000 each. They were all sold out as of yesterday. The stalls are yet to be set up, and some buyers have indicated they will install their own tents.

Residents in Port Vila will come together in a Victory Parade three weeks from today to begin celebrations at the main venue, Independence Park.

The annual celebration of nationhood reminds the citizens of the strength, courage and unity that makes Vanuatu great. It is a time to reflect on the origin of the struggle for independence and the people who played significant roles.

Town Clerk of the Port Vila City Council (PVCC) and Secretary of the Organising Committee, David Hopa, said the sold out of the stalls indicate major public interest.

The five-day celebration is not intended for fundraising as some people might think rather, the stalls will serve to provide food for attendees throughout the event, he said.

Hopa said despite the nation’s challenges and diverse political views, customs, and geographical divisions across islands, the celebration of independence is a key moment for all citizens to unite in driving the nation forward.

The Town Clerk emphasised that its not just a moment to mark the country’s 44th anniversary from colonial rule, also to celebrate achievements such as the country’s first successful Referendum, the country’s second-time ranking at the top of the Happy Index among 150 nations worldwide, and its leadership on environment issues at the global stage.

He said the committee discourages separate celebrations in the wards, and urged everyone to convene at Independence Park where the Head of the Government will be addressing the nation from.

“As one people, we build a better Vanuatu” is the theme for this year’s 44th Independence anniversary.

Celebrations outside the Port Vila municipality on Efate are hosted by each Area Councils and the SHEFA Provincial Council

EXPOSED: The Opposition team through their Lawyers have filed a Special Supreme Court Application

As of yesterday, ( 10-06-2024) the Opposition team through their Lawyers have filed a Special Supreme Court Application at the Waigani Court House to have the Parliament recall to deal with the Vote of No confidence Motion which is still active..

During the Parliament sitting last week , The Speaker of Parliament and the Clerk of Parliament conspire with Prime Minister James Marape to deliberately reject the VONC motion due to technical errors as they claimed..
James Marape forcefully adjourned the Parliament to September (03-10-2024)..

As required by the constitution, The VONC is a democracy process and must be administered by the PBC & the Speaker of Parliament every 18 months time..
PM Marape and the speaker of Parliament have undermine our constitution by Hijacking the VONC and adjoun the Parliament.

After James Marape undermine the Constitution of our country and conspire with the speaker and Clerk of Parliament to reject the VONC motion on the floor of Parliament , The Opposite team have decided to take this VONC Matter to the highest Court..

Now that the VONC matter is before the Supreme Court , The Prime Minister and his Attorney General are looking for loopholes to once again delay / Prolong or have that matter thrown out of the Court also..

PNG Democracy is under attack from Warlords who doesn't have respect for our Constitution..

After Hijacking the Parliamentary Process , Now the Prime Minister is trying to hijack the court system also..

James Marape must know that not everyone is for sale.. Money can't buy everything that you need..

Politicans are for sale but not some Judges..

PNG is watching your moves


Opposition Files Supreme Court Case Questioning Connect PNG Program

Wednesday 25 June 2024

For Immediate Release – As the Leader of the Opposition, I have filed a Section 18 Supreme

Court Reference seeking the Court’s interpretation over certain issues with the Connect PNG

We have filed a case in the Supreme Court to review how the government is handling the funds for this program. 

As the Opposition, it is our job to make sure the government is following the laws of Papua New Guinea, especially when it comes to spending public money.

The main concern we have is whether the government has been properly allocating and using the funds for the Connect PNG Program. 

We believe that the money, which is a significant amount, has not been transferred or used according to the legal requirements. The funds in question include K257 million in 2021, K628 million in 2022, K785 million in 2023, and
K261 million in January 2024.

We want to make sure that every kina of public money is spent legally and transparently.

This is important not just for the current project but also for maintaining public trust in how the government handles finances.

Our application seeks clarity from the Supreme Court on several constitutional sections that deal with the management of public funds. These sections are essential for ensuring that the government uses public money responsibly and is held accountable.

By filing this case, we aim to protect the interests of the people of Papua New Guinea. We want to make sure that all government spending is done correctly and benefits everyone in the country.

The Opposition is committed to ensuring transparency, accountability, and proper use of
public funds. We believe that this case will help clarify how public money should be managed and ensure it is used for the right purposes.

I look forward to the case’s progression with its next hearing scheduled for July 2, 2024.

Authorised by the Leader of the Opposition, Port Moresby