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ONLY IN BOUGAINVILLE: Top Six (6) things you’ll find only in AROB

Bougainvilleans are not only hardworking people but are also most lovely and creative people on the planet. If you have never visited the pearl of the Pacific, you would not know until you do. Here are some unique things you might want to know about this special breed of people and their emerging nation. 

1. Luxury Vehicles; Land Cruzer, Ten Seaters, and Five Doors are used as Public Motor Vehicle. Trust me, it will give you the most timely and comfortable ride. 

2. There is no PNG Power in the villages, but people do not know blackout like we do in Port Moresby. They have 24/7 sustainable electricity that is built by village electrical engineers who never attended any engineering school. 

3. The vehicles that were used in the 1980s are still running in towns like Arawa. That means they have some top mechanics in the world who never went to any mechanical nor engineering school. 

4. All the businesses are owned by the locals, as said in detail in the earlier post. 

5. There are no thieves and pickpockets in their towns. Girls and women roam free whole day and night confidently even in front of drunkards. People mind their own business. 

6. Although they have the biggest and surplus betelnut in the S/Pacific, their towns are very clean. Even cleaner than Alotau (I’ve been there).

-If you have some apart from the six listed, do kindly add in the comment section below.-

Finally, this land of the brave and free is truly the land of Land Cruizers. What you see in the image is not an Ela Motors Dealership nor PNG Parliament Hause car park neither BSP Car park. It's Awara town in the central AROB. 
Post By Marshall’s Views

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