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The nation of Papua New Guinea is under siege by criminal elements who have manipulated the state Parliament, the Executive Government and the Judiciary to exploit our land and natural resources, our businesses and jobs and to take over our nation through the neo colonization process. 

This process is almost complete with the collar of soft loans that have been flowing on incessantly from Beijing China and the Western powers of Australia, USA and France. The foreign powers are interested in expanding their business influence without any equitable benefits to us the people of this nation. 

Our prime agricultural land has been alienated from us by foreigners with superior technology and financial resources and they proceeded to claim our natural resources by law. 

Since independence none of our leaders were able to stand up to speak about the exploitation as they were indoctrinated with hypocritical religious beliefs which misled us to think that you had to be poor in order to ascend the golden streets of heaven in London, Paris and New York. 

If you're intelligent and rebellious they pampered you to speak, think and act white by drinking Scottish whisky with a title from Buckingham palace making you a knight or dame. A coach ride in London with a horsemen into the halls of Buckingham palace was the ultimate baptism of royalty without the perks and privileges of the golden streets of heaven. 

The red carpet treatment in Beijing is a complete change of mindset without the coach ride and the toast of the finest scotch whisky as Peking roast duck is served with unlimited access to the Chinese Yuan ( renminbi ) in billion dollar projects with private accounts created electronically in Singapore as the Asian financial market. Anyone who is someone in the Waigani Club has a Singapore address with secret bank accounts wired into complex algorithms that are impossible to retrace.

We are citizens of Papua New Guinea but our masters are Chinese and Europeans because it is their money which rules us and they have access to our politicians whom we vote and trust that they will serve our interests. 

China has taken over the nation from financing to farming and our politicians are only puppets who are deaf and dumb as they have been silenced. In so doing they have established a dictator in the form of a prime minister who moves the members of parliament at his own pleasure. In short we have been sold as slaves to foreign powers who rule us with their money. 

The police force and the peoples army is now a security service to foreign interest. It is time to do a stock take to reform our political system to restore power to the people. The recent arrest of Steven Andambo who was charged for sedition and defamation under the Cyber Crime Act on the complaint of the Chief Secretary Ivan Pomaleu signals the reign of a dictator and we will not allow that to happen and therefore we reiterate our call for the prime minister James Marape to resign forthwith and allow parliament to elect a new prime minister who can be able to restore the rule of law to ensure that our sovereignty and freedom is protected at all times.

John Endemongo Kua.                                 
Peoples Anti-Corruption Movement Incorporated.

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