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Prime Minister James Marape vs East Sepik Province Governor Alan Bird

Prime Minister, James Marape has called on East Sepik Provincial MP, Allan Bird to provide evidence that his life has been threatened as claimed.

Bird states that his phones have been tapped, that State institutions have been instructed to find anything illegal on him, and that all State apparatus have been put on full alert to hunt him down.

He made these remarks today in Port Moresby after Bird made serious allegations against the
Government over the weekend.

"Allan Bird claims that he has been advised by a Deputy Police Commissioner that his life is under
threat and Police are monitoring the situation," Prime Minister Marape said in a media statement.

"If he is telling the truth, who is the Deputy Police Commissioner concerned, and which Police are
monitoring the situation?

"Allan Bird also claims that he has been informed by senior Government Ministers that his phones
have been illegally tapped.

"If he is telling the truth, who are these ‘senior Government Ministers’, and where is the proof that his phones have been tapped?

"Allan Bird also claims that he has been told by reliable sources that various State Institutions have been instructed to try to find anything illegal on him and charge him and arrest him.

"If he is telling the truth, who are these State institutions that have been instructed to find anything illegal on him and charge him and arrest him?

Allan Bird also claims that all the apparatus of State has been put on full alert to hunt down the
most dangerous criminal in PNG: Allan Bird.

"If he is telling the truth, who are the apparatus of State who have been put on full alert to hunt
down Bird – who describes himself as the ‘most dangerous criminal in PNG?"

“This is the first time I have witnessed an Opposition nominee for the prime minister’s post making serious allegations of his life being threatened.

“My government, in 2020, went through more stronger challenges but those in Opposition never
made serious allegations of having their lives threatened like Bird is doing now.

“You do not get public sympathy and support from the public by uttering lies and slander.

“As head of this Government, we do not take lightly leaders like Bird, who make false accusations to get public sympathy and support.”
Prime Minister Marape said Bird, by the day, continues to make unfounded allegations against
the Government.

“This is not a game, but an attack on integrity of the functionality of the Executive arm of
Government,” he said.

“We are not a dictatorship but a nation of rules and order. 

This Pangu Pati-led Government has
set up the Independent Commission Against Corruption, and has passed the Whistle Blowers
Act, so Bird has all these avenues to formally lodge his complaints.”

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