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Two huge Air buses, seven jet fighters, and a packed media crew accompanied the President of the Republic of French his Excellency Emmanuel Macron to Port Moresby around 2300 hours last night.
Prior to President Macron’s official state visit, this is the first time for a sitting president of French to visit Papua New Guinea after his recent visit to Vanuatu and New Caledonia following his Pacific Island Tour.

The president and his delegates were received by Prime Minister James Marape, French Ambassador Mr Guillaume Lemoine, Major General PNGDF Mark Goina, Police commissioner David Manning, NCD Governor Powes Parkop, Minister for National Events Justin Tkatchenko, Chief Secretary Ivan Pomaleu, Motu Koitabu Assembly chairman Dadi Toka Jnr, Hiri Moale cultural dancers, media personnel and extended Papua New Guinea governmental delegates.

A warm welcome reception and guard of honor by the Papua New Guinea Defense Force was given to the president and his acquaintances upon arrival at the Jacksons International APEC terminal.

This morning, the President paid tribute to the Governor General HE Sir. Bob Dadae through an overwhelming visit to the government house at Konedobu and departed for Varirata National Park in Sogeri.

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