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UN Resolution 2504 - On West Papua: Status Of Integration Into Indonesia, Final?

General Assembly Resolution 2504.

During the1813th plenary meeting, 19 November 1969, the UN General Assembly passed a resolution on West Papua.
The Act of Free Choice was provided by the New York Agreement. It is argued by Papuan nationalists fighting for independence that the status of West Papua was still subject to international law. And, its application as to the status of West Papua. In other words, the process of decolonisation is incomplete.
Here is why.
2504 (XXIV). Agreement between the Republic of Indonesia and the Kingdom of the Netherlands concerning West New Guinea (West Irian)
The General Assembly,
Recalling its resolution 1752 (XVII) of 21 September 1962, in which it took note of the Agreement of 15 August 1962 between the Republic of Indonesia and the Kingdom of the Netherlands concerning West New Guinea (West Irian), acknowledged the role conferred upon the Secretary-General in the Agreement and authorized him to carry out the tasks entrusted to him therein,
Recalling also its decision of 6 November 19635 to take note of the report of the Secretary-General on the completion of the United Nations Temporary Executive Authority in West Irian,
Recalling further that the arrangements for the act of free choice were the responsibility of Indonesia with the advice, assistance and participation of a special representative of the Secretary-General, as stipulated in the Agreement,
Having received the report on the conduct and results of the act of free choice submitted by the Secretary-General in accordance with article XXI, paragraph 1, of the Agreement,
Bearing in mind that, in accordance with article XXI, paragraph 2, both parties to the Agreement have recognized these results and abide by them,
Noting that the Government of Indonesia, in implementing its national development plan, is giving special attention to the progress of West Irian, bearing in mind the specific conditions of its population.
The demand for freedom is a specific condition of indigenous Papuans. This was the reason for the deadlock over Dutch New Guinea or West Papua between Indonesia and the Dutch.
It went on for 4 years from 1945 - 1949. After 1949, the Dutch began the decolonization process for West Papua. Indonesia invaded to stop the preparation for self - government.
The Act of Free Choice happened as provided by the New York Agreement. Finally, UN Resolution 2504.
West Papua is still a colony. UN Resolution 2504 says so.
The UN was in a position to only ' take note of the report of the Secretary-General on the completion of the United Nations Temporary Executive Authority in West Irian.'
Today, 61 years later. West Papua is still qualified to be free.

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