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Sir Ipatas Has No Confidence In PM Marape

 In a recent development, Papua New Guinea's ENGA Governor, Sir Peter Ipatas, has signaled the possibility of a motion of no confidence on the horizon. The core issue leading to his departure from the government of Peter O’Neill seems to have resurfaced in the administration of Prime Minister James Marape.

Sir Peter identified the recurring concern as one of law and order, emphasizing that every Member of Parliament (MP) will play a pivotal role in determining the fate of the current prime minister or selecting a new leader when the motion of a vote of no confidence is presented on the floor of the Parliament.

Stressing the importance of evaluating Prime Minister James Marape's leadership over the past four years, Sir Peter remarked, “Each individual MP can look at his leadership, the things he has done or not done in the four years and decide. Each of the MPs has that right to make the decision whether to keep him in office or replace him."
Sir Peter, a seasoned politician with a political journey dating back to the early 1980s, highlighted his persistent concern for security, particularly law and order, spanning eight years. He advocated for the involvement of foreign police with immunity to address the ongoing law and order issues in the country.

Expressing his disappointment with the government's approach, Sir Peter pointed out that despite his calls for decisive actions, such as engaging the Australian Federal Police, the government has resorted to declaring states of emergency, yielding minimal impact. He cited the prevalence of tribal conflicts in his province, resulting in loss of lives and businesses, and emphasized the government's responsibility to create a safe environment for its citizens.

Sir Peter criticized the government's emphasis on anti-corruption measures, such as the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), asserting that without efficient policing, these efforts would be futile. He underscored the need to prioritize fixing the policing system as a fundamental step towards addressing broader issues in the country.

In reflecting on his past departure from the O’Neill government in 2019 due to similar concerns, Sir Peter maintained that his calls for foreign troops to address law and order challenges have fallen on deaf ears in the current government. He lamented the lack of respect and attention given to his proposals as a senior member of the government.

 Sir Peter asserted that if a motion for a vote of no confidence is introduced in Parliament, each MP, as an individual, will play a crucial role in making the decision that aligns with their convictions and concerns. The looming motion adds an element of uncertainty to the political landscape of Papua New Guinea.
Source: PNG Facts

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